Sometimes I just feel completely alone. My family of 5 (my sister my brother my parents and me) dont get along well. My brother likes to point out every single flaw of mine and acts like an immature 5 year old. My parents dont do anything from him calling stuff yet when i call him stuff all hell brakes loose with my parents. My sister constintly feels as though she is prettier and better at everything than i am. I dont talk with my parents much. I try to go to my friends Houses as much as possible to get away. The kids at school have no regrets when it comes to judging me and my friends. They dont care who they hurt to get there way. Â Sometimes I just want to go away. To a differnt world where there is no bullies…No bad feelings….No rudeness. Life would be much better in that faraway non-exsitent place
Wow. I totally get you. It’s the same for me. Don’t you just wish people could actually figure out more about you before they judge and the people close to you would be a little bit nicer? It sucks.
It would, that wonderland…but you know they only reason haters judge is because they like something about you…for me it’s my weirdness, I am very weird and a lot of people want to bring me down because I will care about anyone and everyone and show that I care and show that I am different. I am not afraid no more. But yeah…their words still hurt. I just really don’t care tho. I will take the pain and become stronger why they just see my dreams come true. Keep your head high and don’t worry what people say.
It really does