While searching “how to kill yourself” I came upon this site. I debated over the fact on wether I should join. Then I did … Well to begin I would like to explain why I was searching that in the first place. Idk I’m just Tired of my whole life completely . This is my first post. And well yeah my life pretty much sucks , I’m getting devoured by depression and anxiety..I hate myself I’m a piece of shit seriously .. if I post later on you’ll get to know why. ..
I came to this site about a half hour ago searching “I’m going to kill myself tonight” …I’ve been under a lot of stress for the last 3 months and not letting up, I keep having nightmares every night, can’t sleep, and feel depressed… don’t feel ashamed how you came here. I think we all found it some similar way…
Welcome to SP, RoseThatsit. I hope you find it helpful or at least comforting to be part of us here.
Hey, as Black Swan said I hope you find what you are looking for here in comfort or advice. Welcome to VitalShox as well.