Life has died but really my hole life was just a lie. I am about to cry but all I can do is sigh cause if I cry I will certantly loose my pride. My sister hates me but she is to busy with her  dates sucks but in life there is not much luck so what the fuck. I am sad because my life is sort of bad.
Hey Nikki,
Could you elaborate? What about your life is so bad?
Okay here is why cause all my childhood untile the age of 5 I was tuaght that life is to Dangerous and that u can’t trust any one. No matter if there you friends or not and so I have been in total lock down house mode. Now my neibors/friends I don’t even know there favorite color and I feel so lonly cause the always pick on me and I am afraid if I am not Friends with them anymore I will be all alone no one around me will look down on me. And I feel so horrible because my mom and da are making me take these pills and they help me focus but every day after words when they were off I go back to being me then I start to cry for no reson and once when I was talking to this little girl I knew she told me what she wanted like a doll and a dress, I just stood there listening and smiling then I was smiling while crying till that day all I can think about is why did I start to cry, so yeah. And my throat burns so bad for no reson and I have not ate for a month now and my mom had eungh of me. not eating that she strapped me to a chair and try to feed me please can u help me?? P:s I haven’t ate for over a month
Very sorry for the long speech