The world is quite a peculiar place that I have yet to become accustomed to. Sometimes just the sheer aspect of living overwhelms me. Does that in itself make any sense at all? I very much doubt so, but it pervades me nonetheless.
Even now, looking outside my window; at the beautiful tranquility of the night, the pure brilliance and wonder that the night evokes. Looking off into the glittering scenery before me I can only wonder about life. The significance of everything, The sheer luck and probability that life has unfolded and used to mould and influence the present. The magnificence of it, the questions and abstractions of it. How the future is just waiting to become unraveled… how today’s actions will serve as consequences for tomorrow. How intricate reality is and how truly incomprehensible it is. Somedays I can only blink and utter to myself “I am alive? What the fuck.â€
I wish to further my own thoughts and understanding of the world. Although I very much doubt anyone truly understands the world, I think that collective knowledge would serve as the most reliable and thorough source of understanding. By collective knowledge I mean interactions between I and other fellow humans. The exchanging our own different and unique perspectives and doctrines of the world. This method is a mutual learning tool, for it allows me the opportunity to understand them and they the opportunity to try to make sense of I. I trust the reactions of those through the internet to be more reliable than if I were to converse with a person through verbal communication. (If I were even capable of such a method. Ha.) The unique anonymity the internet possesses allows people to express their genuine beliefs and opinions that might otherwise provoke criticism, ridicule and alienation if they were to express them on a personal basis in a person-to-person exchange.
There are two approaches to furthering knowledge: reasoning from known ideas and synthesizing observations. In inductive reasoning you observe the world, and attempt to explain based on your observations. You start with no prior assumptions. Deductive reasoning consists of logical assertions from known facts.
My thoughts never seem to make sense to me at first hand, yet sometimes when I mull over them later they do (sort of) hold meaning and quality. Is it possible to learn about myself from a future perspective? I can’t understand myself now, but are those questions just waiting for my future self to answer? These are rhetorical questions that perhaps don’t have an answer and don’t even need one. For now I’ll just wait here, immersed in my own discontentment with life and the questions that I cannot answer. As a curious creature with an unsatisfied yearning for knowledge the world is nothing but a frustrating equation that has yet to be answered and applied to something greater than existence itself. I don’t know the answers to life as I very much doubt anyone does, but on a technical term alcohol is indeed a solution.
1 comment
Good Morning Khajiit,
Well…ahem…I would say your biggest problem is your awesome mind. Sorry. I get it. I have been trying to get answers to similiar questions for ooohhh half a century. Turns out…all we can do is believe and hope…there are no hard and fast rules…and that kinda makes me freak.
I loved how you described what you saw out your window…me I just go out and breathe it all in. Took me a long time…but I finally figured out a few things. I was spending so much time trying to understand the absurdity of life…I wasn’t enjoying it. So…I learned…if I live in my past…I get depressed…if I live in my future…I get anxious…so for now I am attempting to learn to live in the present…not easy. Requires copious amounts of weed…hahaha…but I’m actually starting to en”JOY” life for the first time since I was 4. Slow learner here. You must have an amazing mind…although torturous. Sometimes there is such a thing as being toooo smart. Like my Mom always said…You’re soooo smart…you’re stupid…hahaha. I sincerely hope you are an old fart as well…cuz that mind in a young person…wow…just wow.
Hope you find some answers