maybe i should have killed myself when i had the chance, when i was ready to die, when i had nothing to loose.. that probably would have been the right thing to do.. but of course.. i make yet ANOTHER wrong fucking goddamn decision. fuck it. fuck this. fuck everyone. fuck me. FUCK LIFE. could honestly punch a hole in my fucking goddamn fucking wall for fucking chirsts sake.
Miss Abselom, please… You can’t help those that DON’T want help. Also, since you are in control of your life, choose/decide/just do it… LIVE your life and enjoy it. If someone else is fine being shitty, it’s no longer your concern. Unless you’re a cop or soldier or lawyer or, you know… in charge of that person.
And don’t ruin your own living space. It’s a waste of energy and money and time. Get creative and make something awesome happen for yourself. 🙂
i want to.. but i cant.. this person means too much to me.. how do i just walk away from them? especially when i know what would happen if i did..
Taking a break is not walking away. And I can not make you do anything because you’re not a puppet. They are not controlled by your actions – it’s all self-made decisions. Just keep being nice 🙂
I don’t get it. What came along and made both your life and the suicide option more difficult? Are you pregnant?