My husband just turned and looked at me and asked when i would be normal again. I could not say because everyone I have talked to in mental health has recoiled so fast you would think I had just pulled a pickled herring out of my coat and offer to bludgeon them with said fish.
I wonder why. They say Depression is very treatable once caught, but then they act like you have almost a life sentance.
And it is hard on the people when are used to having a sweet submissive wife who is trying to be Superwoman, and now you have a human who is burnt out and doing everything she can to hold it together. Anyway, any of you heard stories of myths of people who left here and became “normal”
1 comment
hahahaha “normal” is the biggest fairytale of all
I was Superwoman for a lot of years too…ummm…not surprised by your husband’s ridiculous question…when will you be normal?…hahaha Well brother…if he’s normal…I don’t want to be normal.
One day at a time dear…that is what you can tell him…one day at a time…and also tell him that his best bet of getting back to normal is by being supportive, compassionate, understanding and forgiving…cuz if he is not part of the solution…then he is part of the problem…now isn’t he?
Take a break…take a breath…one day at a time. The twelve step program seems to be the thing that helps most of us…some of us just have a problem with the whole something greater than ourselves thing…ya know…God…but it is a good program. I’m not saying you are an addict or a drinker or anything else…but the steps work for everything…multifunctional. Part of my healing journey included NA meetings…and I was only there as a ride and support for a friend…and it helped me…sooo…check it out.
Stress and undue pressure are counter-productive to your healing…so the pressure to hurry up and be normal…bad juju. I’m sure he loves you…he is just as I said…scared, confused, embarrassed…ummm…you know…but maybe it is time to talk to the pastor? I dunno…he needs help and support as much as you do eh?
Sending you lots of positive loving energy