It feels like I don’t even have a family. My parents argue and then end up ignoring each other for months. I’m so tired of it.. its been going on since I was about 11 and now I’m 19! If I had the money to move out, I would. But I have school to pay for and by living with them, I don’t have to worry about rent,food, and other stuff like that. My life sucks!!!! I hate it. I feel bad saying that because others have it way worse than me but that’s how I truly feel. This house is not even a home.. living here has made me so depressed. And now my depression is worse than ever. My parents are suffocating me… telling me when I can or can’t go out or giving me a curfew.. it frustrates me cause I don’t even go out much.. I’m always stuck here and they don’t seem to take notice of everything I do and how hard I work. Why can’t I go out and have fun once in a while?? I’m not 13 but they sure do treat me that way. Its not fair. They’re always putting me in the middle of all their problems and then get mad at me because I’m not happy. ??? doesn’t make since.
what’s wrong with 13? i’m 13! lol
I’m sure when you become an adult, you won’t want to be treated like a teenager still.