I started cutting again. My friends didn’t think I had the balls (pun intended since I’m a girl) well surprise mother fuckers. And I couldn’t get the smile off my face since I saw the blood. And razor, its been too long my old friend.
I know that feeling all to well ! But don’t cut just to prove a point
your not hurting them you are hurting you! stop hurting you!
I agree with the above; you’re not getting back at them, you’re only hurting yourself.
If you want to do them some damage, throw bricks ! They do a hell of a lot of dammage !!
Throwing bricks at yourself? You guys come up with some strange self-harm techniques, nevertheless i don’t reccomend that one.
Acctually ignor that comment !
Smash stiff with a hammer !!
Scar: not at yourself !!
At something, make it smash and see it explode everywhere !!
It’s such a good relese !!
and by the way your a girl you are ball less and always will be!
@s2419 I like you. You seem like an interesting person.
@rocketman yes i know i dont balls i said it in the post. Beside that, I’m not doing it to prove a point. I’m not doing it to get back at anyone. I’m doing it because I want.
Smash stiff with a hammer !! s2419 have a heart
just joking girl relax and don’t hurt yourself please
Rocketman, I’m fine I knew you were joking. And its a little to late for not hurting myself…
Demmissio: thanks 🙂 I get that a lot !!
Rocketman: fuck having a heart ! It’s no fun !!!
Having a heart means you have to think about things, and I’m in a reckless mood so I don’t want to think, I just want to do !
That’s what she said s2419
Aha, I’m that ‘she’ !!
Aha !
I’m on my Christmas holidays now so I’ve decided that I’m going to be a reackless, slutty, drunk ! Up untill the new year
Oh my God you are my favorite person on here now.
Ahah. Why ?
Because you sound Fucking awesome and you have a sense of humor unlike most on here
Aha. I don’t always. I’m normally a depressed wreck.
But I’m making the most of all of the piss ups this month ! No idea why people are celebrating, nothing to celebrate really !!
But tbh any excuse to get completely shit faced and have some fun, is a good excuse to me !!
Same here. And cutting pits me in a good mood. And I totes agree with getting trashed.
Ahah. Good !
Anyway if you’ll excuse me. I have a bed to get to.
Enjoy that bed my friend.
Aha thanks, I will