About three years ago, I tried to off myself, I had come home from school that day, and when I got there I told my grandparents I was going to take a bath, so I went to the bathroom and started the water. I had made the water super hot, and I got out my razor, I had soon after used my razor to carve into my arms and legs, I loved the pain and the thought of death that came after, but then I got thinking and I realized that, I had to stay so I could help my family and my friends, so I cleaned myself up, and cleaned up the tub. I then bandaged my arms, and put on long sleeves to hide them, I still cut and carve from time to time but not as much as I did that day.
I hope that one day you can overcome cutting entirely, Lovely. Just so you know, we’re all here for you, should you want help. 🙂
Also, you’re amazing for not offing yourself. You really are!
see,deep down we all do know we’re loved,someone loves us,coz that’s the only thing that stops me from doin myself in,the thought of what it would do to my loved ones..
I understand the cutting too,and i dont cut so deep anymore either ,just so I dont have to go and get stitches .Lol you’ve gotta laugh dont ya 🙂