I’ve spent the last few days trying to wish myself out of existence.  So far, it’s not working.  I think I’ll keep trying, though.  The alternative is to stop wishing and do something about it myself…
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No more pain is what a lot of people would like to wish for. My life has been really rough from being molested as a child to being almost date raped by my ex boyfriend. I thought about how much better my life would be if I were to let go but I found there is a reason for me to live. I found a joy for life again by documenting my surroundings through photography. This helped me to cope and to find not a reason to continue my self pity but a reason to LIVE. I look at my situation and I know someone else was worst off then me and I survived then and I will survive now. I beg you to do the same thing. Find a reason to live and not a reason to die.
Thanks for the encouragement, Daphne. It’s something I don’t have a lot of lately. Still looking for a reason to be and not finding it yet, but at least I’m still looking. Wish me luck on finding my elusive reason to be…