I’m scared to get help for my depression. Â I know I should but I hate asking for help, especially when I know it will disappoint my friends and family. Â Barely anyone knows about my depression and those who do don’t ever mention it–as if it’s the plague–or are no longer in my life. Â I’ve posted my story in it’s entirety on this website before, but since that night I’ve been struggling with whether or not to get help.
If getting help is something you want you should start by tellin someone who you are most comfortable with. It might make it easier either way hope you feel better.
“I’m scared to get help for my depression. I know I should but I hate asking for help, especially when I know it will disappoint my friends and family.”
i’ve planned on dissapearing, online people say that’s bad? I thought about going to the mhs, but it’s probably not anomynoius.
I agree with love to longboard. If you feel ready to ask for help, do so. Medication might be able to help you, or even just talking about it.
But also know that if you don’t feel ready yet, you can talk to people here, you can talk to me if you’d like. I read your other post and I can relate – I have everything to be happy, but can’t seem to be, manipulative exboyfriend who explored all my wounds and ended up bringing me to a much darker place. And those are the least of my problems.. but anyways, if you’d like to talk, I’m here 🙂
Thank you. I just know that if I try and talk to my parents they’ll want to just send me to a shrink and I don’t want to be forced into spilling my problems to a random person who I don’t know and don’t trust. I know I can trust my best friends but at the same time I don’t know if they’ll judge me for it.
If you are not ready for a shrink, then don’t go. However sometimes telling a stranger is easier than telling someone you know – at least for me. If someday you think a shrink might help, why don’t you find one on your own? That way he won’t have any connection to anyone, and your parents won’t have to know about it. – I am starting to consider going, on my own, and see if medication would help me cus these dark days just keep getting darker. Anyways, you should do what you are most comfortable with – that’s my ultimate advice.
And about your best friends, only you can tell if they would judge you, only you know them well enough to know that. (My own concern for that scenario, would be them telling other people thinking that doing so they would be helping me – this is what I think, I don’t want to dissuade you from telling them (I wish I was able to, cus it might be somehow a relief), just you might want to think about all the consequences, in order to avoid any more suffering.)
Today I was confronted with the thing that I fear most…my ex-boyfriend contacted me again. I don’t know why–after months of not talking and after I’ve told him on multiple occasions to not ever contact me again–that he felt the need. He pretty much told me that he was suicidal. I didn’t know what to do. I had lived through the torment and abuse from him and now he wanted my sympathy. There’s something very messed up about this whole situation. I was confronted with the desire to tell him to leave me alone, but also with the sympathy of not wanting him to kill himself. I don’t know if this was, once again, a ploy to get my attention and see my reaction but I took action and contacted his mom. Hopefully she will take care of things and make sure he once and for all leaves me alone. I can’t stop shaking. I can’t help but think that I shouldn’t have been the one he told and when I told him that no one deserves the fate that he was about to inflict on himself he laughed and said “hahaha ok.” What is a person to think of that? I’m scared that he is going to continue texting/calling me because now he is probably mad that I told his mother.
I’m I’m the same boat as you are only a select few of my friends know….a few even joke
About it which I don’t mind cuz my lifes a jkoe anyway….but I to want help but I’m afraid
I might disappoint my family or what I have of my friends
Why do you feel that your life is a joke? No one should feel that way. I’m sorry that you do.