I was feeling ok, actually ok for the first time in ages, the new antidepressants seemed to be helping. And then today it all went rapidly down hill again. I don’t know why, except that I realised nobody has contacted me for days, and I ruined the one true friendship I thought I had. I just can’t take being alone. And I know that because of how I am I will be alone forever. So what’s the point? I just want out. I don’t want to do this any more.
Being alone forever is what my life turned into. I can’t simply get better and happy by myself either, i never even had someone by my side, how can i help you? 🙁
Just responding helps! We are all in the same boat on here, that’s why we come here. To know that we aren’t completely alone! Thank you
Crazy how we all feel so alone, but we come here and there’s others that feel the exact same way. Hope you don’t feel quite so alone. I feel the same. Best of luck, EmM
It is just a bad day for you today, but it’ll get better. If your anti- depressants aren’t working, talk to your doctor. And if you ever feel alone, you can always talk to me because I struggled with the same thing not too long ago.
Thank you. It does help! It helps to get it off my chest and out there. And to know that people here know EXACTLY what I’m talking about!
Have woken today feeling completely flat. Fed up. Don’t want to interact with anyone today, but it would be nice if just one person would ask if I’m ok…. that won’t happen though, no one gives a shit! 🙁
How are you today? Are you ok? 🙂
Thank you….
No I’m not. I’m not ok. I don’t think I will ever be ok. I just want it over with. I wish, so very much, that I could gift it to someone, just pass over my unused time and stop right now. I don’t deserve it and clearly I’m not a nice or worthy person of it as I’m constantly and continually avoided! But I can completely understand why!!! I hate myself. Loathe and detest the person I am. I wish I could just be erased!