All my life I’ve been bullied. My parents don’t give a shit about me. I’ve been told, and now thoroughly believe, that if i killed myself, no one would give a single fuck. Now, I’m not going to run out in the middle of the street and jump in front of a car going 80, but say I were, for some reason, laying in the street, and a car were coming, I wouldn’t move. Growing up, I was afraid to go to school. I would play hookie because I didn’t want to be spit at by the popular kids. I was beaten and made fun of for stupid stuff, like a disease I couldn’t control, or getting all A’s, or having to wear my older brothers’ clothes (I’m female, btw) or getting clothes from other people or thrift stores or garage sales. I was never able to afford “Justice” or H and M” or even places like Kohls and Macys. The only thing I care about any more is music. It is the only thing I love. The only thing that is keeping me alive. Music is something I can create and control myself, which is empowering, to say the least. None of my “friends” know I want to die. They know I used to, and they know I used to cut, but they don’t know I still do. I have marks all up my left arm and deep scars on my left shoulder, which I always keep covered. I don’t believe in God, I don’t believe in eternal love within humans, but I do believe that I want to die.
Hi, I’m sorry to hear that you’re hurting so much, but please don’t give up hope. Keep practicing your music. I’m a musician too and I love playing my keyboard and guitar. I was bullied when I was young too. Many people here were. Your parents do care about you and if you died they would be heartbroken. Maybe they are just tough parents?
If you did die we here at this website would miss you,we care for each other like family,we are here to help others or express are felling’s or both like me,anything I can do to help I will do it even if it means risking my life for it,I’ve not got much to live for anyway,accept for you people at this site and my three friends!
“We care for each other like family” …hmm. Felt it in 2011. 2012/present — nada.
(。・o・)ノ Heyo valleyforge!