If you’re reading this you’re probably in some type of pain… You may be having a bad day, you may have self harmed, you may have skipped a meal or thrown one up, you may have made some horrible mistakes today, but guess what??  You’re still alive & I’m so proud of you for that. I guarantee suicide went through your head at least once today but you had the strength to overcome the urge… that’s amazing. You’re amazing. If no one can be proud of you for that, think of me. A complete stranger who couldn’t be happier that you’re alive. We all make mistakes, but suicide is something you can’t reverse and I know you may be on the verge, but I hope you read this and think of me, a stranger whose heart will break when if you committee suicide.
Thank you.
I’d feel the same if you took your life as well, possibly worse, and I’m a complete stranger to you.!
Tis wonderful how the world works.
Thank you for this post.
I love you
Foreverdancing26 You are amazing !!
I would miss you too if you were gone foreverdancing. Thanks for posting this. Suicide is a permanent solution to problems that in most cases can be overcome. I don’t think anyone who commits suicide actually wants to die, but wants an end to their physical or emotional pain.