My friend Tennyson.. Actually, I like him. And he knows that. But he doesn’t like me. I know he doesn’t. He said so. Anyway, on the bus earlier, he pulled out a pocket knife and cut himself. I could literally feel my heart ripping itself apart because there was absolutely nothing I could do. I told him to get on facebook, but I doubt that he will. The worst part is that I heard his friend say, “Well, why do you want to kill yourself?!”. I don’t want him to die. God, he’s been going to therapy.. I don’t know what to do. I love him. I really do. Whether it’s a romantic or friend kind of love, I don’t know. But I do know that I care for him. A lot. I just sent him a message. I don’t know if it’ll be too late, though. I don’t want it to be too late. Oh, and I pretty much lost all my friends, except for a select few. Five, at the most. Well fuck. Tennyson just got online and is typing a message. This ain’t gonna be pretty. Maybe not. He isn’t mad at me. I’m going to try to get him to tell me what’s wrong. I’m just so happy that it’s not too late. Still, I had a bad day. Trevor wasn’t there. That put a damper on my day. And Emily is trying to make it look like she’s having a good time without me. I can tell because she laughs louder when I walk by, and I can see her looking at me through my peripherals. So, I guess my day wasn’t terrible. I still want to cut, though. It’s like…. I want to. I’m sad, any my whole body is literally itching for me to pick up a knife. I’ve fought it for this long, but… It hurts. Honestly. I don’t know what to do. My happy place is gone, sadly. Something fucked it all up again. But hey, I got to stay for a little while longer this time. Almost a whole 24 hours. Wow. Amazing, isn’t it?
It’s really good that you are finding the strenght to hold on a little bit longer! 🙂
About your friend, you can kind of relate to how he feels right? What do you think it could help him? Make him feel like he is not alone? Or, what do you think could help you? The answer might be about the same. Maybe that way you might have a better idea of how you might help..
I hope you get through him
So who do you like the most? Trevor, Owen or Tennyson?
That’s the worst part. I don’t know. I don’t really like Tennyson all that much, but I do like Owen. And I still like Trevor. But I don’t think he likes me. Besides, he has a girlfriend right now anyway. I feel guilty for going out with Owen, for some reason. Any clue why?