When you think that you have hit rock bottom you just get lower and you don’t know what to do. How do you cope with that when you don’t know what the bottom is and just don’t want to see the bottom or the way out either. I never want to get out of bed these day, but when I do I can’t seem to stay awake no matter what I do. I just want to die and never have to feel tired again because I will never wake up again. Everyone say to find the good thing for the day, but what if there isn’t one? I just want the world to go way and no more bad days and no pain anymore. I don’t want to be in pain anymore and I don’t want to see anymore pain anymore. I just found out that I’m physically hurting myself without knowing I’m doing it. How do you hurt yourself without knowing you’re doing it? Has the world destoyed me that much and how do I find a reason to keep going?