im alive, im breathing,yeah. but i feel dead inside. there’s this empty place where my heart should be. i try to hold on so so hard for those who’d care. i know that some care,even if its just a few. some really try to help me, in every way possible,but obviously noone can tell my brain to stop talking. my mind continuously haunts me,my thoughts are impossible to escape. and i dont like the demons in my head. i don’t know how much longer i can handle being in my own skin,i’ll never be able to explain why i feel this way but i do. whether i do it consciously or unconsciously i feel like it will happen..and idk how to stop it when i really want to. people say it will get better, in my case it doesn’t happen. the pain just grows and grows and takes over you. and honestly if im already dead on the inside..wont the process complete,someday? there’s no faith,or light left. just darkness
That’s exactly how I feel. So you can sense the demons to (meaning sometimes you don’t believe you own the original thought, seemed planted). If I can figure out how to get rid of them before I give in I’ll let you know. There has to be a way to get the light back in, just how and how long is what I’m grappling with. I’m very tiered also. I hope your still here in the morning.
yeah..they just haunt me for life and i feel like they’ll haunt me to death. please,i’d be so grateful. and so would i,if i ever found a way out. do you have episodes where you do stuff to yourself and dont remember,like you only know bc of the scars and bloodstains?
the light seems really distant from here,in my case. im here..i hope you are too.
I don’t have the energy left to fight for myself, but give me a purpose and a person to fight for and my spirit shines. I will do whatever it takes to find a way through it for us.
As for your question, A. Yes. but not the same exactly.
They always seem to leave evidence behind, just enough so other people will think ur fckd, and we are slowly worn out by it. I see this. Just wondering though, trying to be careful how to phrase it, but why us? Why identify us, there have to be others like us, but most people are oblivious to what is going on, happy in this little world with there lot. Why have we been identified as a threat, what are we? Think please, in such a dark place but we know the light will fix it if only we can find it? I am lucky as I can now faintly hear my own spirit which screams out through the noise of hope, light and life and I can see it, but even still I struggle, ready to through in the towel. Maybe you will get the message I have intended and I am sending my spirit to find you to help you interpret correctly. I will try to find a way, it may take more than sad but strong lil’ old me, if so I will find more. Here is the start. I have a hotmail account that gets spammed so much I haven’t used it in years so I’ll list it just in case you want to email me privet. I can still access it and I will check it every day for next few days. I will reply from my real one if a genuine email.
Neither have i. and i give up. im tired,im sorry.
we’re outcasts who wont be understood. awh,that is sweet of you. sorry,but i dont think anyone can save me. thank you though.