so i woke up in derford host… whate ill go back a bit so after i toke the pills and realisd that thay did shit and up chukt hafe i tryd to go to sleep but cos it was E’s i coudnt so i being the clever littel git i am i stade up and whent to school wher in the midel of a fight with a techer i go out like a light
the wold was a verey big place at that time in my life i dreemd of things and people all mregd together in a bler of light and sownd i tort of people from here the sporting and trusting frend. and people from school the bulleys the people who never knew about my problem ther was 1 anamly in this dreem a blip were nothing happund and i feelt cold and nothing then it began agen with the faces and times fliting in my mind
bang im awake on a metel frame bed in a cleen room i try to lift my arm to ich my face but thers a fucking strap thay must have remeberd my last visit “will dont panic but we hade to pump your stomic” “so thats what that nothing ness is why did you save me ?” the doc looks at me with a wered look like iv just taken a piss rite infront of him “no i brot you back from the dead for 5 secionds you were classt as dead” “mother fucker” he laughed and so did i for a bit then he weeld me to the room were thay put me to sleep agen
so yer i spent all of to day with doctors trying to get the shit out of me and for 5 secionds i was dead and i tell you what its spookey and the only reson why i didunt hit him
a tiyd down
b im to fucking polite
love you xx
Love You Tooooo! ^_^ heehee when i died i t was for 9 seconds and it was scary shit…. what was it like for you?
i dont know it was like flying. youv got 20 secionds or something befor you brane diys from lack of blood and air and in the 5 seciond that i was gon i felt like it was saying
“go on fight it all the way” and im shor that in the last 5 secs of its and your life its saying “sorry but william ed lewis its time be cool man” or some shit like that i think it trys to comfort you in the last bits then big replay of your life to you is a life time but its only a seciond then big flash and gon i dont konw it may be the meds that are talking but it seems rele to me xx