well now there is more drama in my pathetic loser life. we have to come up with a rather large chunk of change by next monday-tax day! and it is basically my fault. silly me i didn’t think the feds could possibly want more from my paltry income. boy was i wrong!! i will never hear the end of that. and then my husband’s drinking buddy wants to do an “intervention” with him this weekend about his drinking. won’t that just be a barrel of laughs? it means nothing when the nagging wife complains . maybe it will mean something when a friend says something. i doubt it. dave has a stubborn streak a mile wide. things maybe a bit tense in the ole household this week. so should i hold off acing myself til my husband does it first? is that even a legitimate question? i have said it before but it bares repeating-i have never been more serious about this line of thought. when the urge strikes it all seems so reasonable. and likely. suppose i should be careful what i say here. someone might want to throw me in the clink. not today!!
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