This might seem like a pointless text, but I do need help with something… You see, there’s this girl, and she really fucking awesome, and I would like to try take it further than friendship, but I have doubt, we’re almost completely the opposite, I’m shy, quite and prefer to be by myself and I have attachment issues, while she is confident, loud, and loves to be around people XD but I don’t know if its really worth it… The last time I was close to somebody like this and they said they would be there, ended leaving, and left me with many scars, physical and emotional, and me feeling like there was no point to life, and I’m afraid of that.. That fear of abandonment, of not being good enough for anyone.. It scares me.. And I’m not sure if its worth it.. It could be the biggest mistake I’ve ever made or the greatest choice I’ve ever made.. But I don’t know… I know its not a matter of life and death right now but I could really use the help 🙂 thanks
If you think you’ll be happy with her try, I’d honestly give ANYONE a shot if they showed genuine interest in me… I’ve dated men, women, people much older than me and people who’ve had nothing in common with me and i was surprised who made me happiest the longest….
Being with someone who’s your polar opposite is fun for a while, but it pretty much always becomes intractable after the novelty wears off. Too many opportunities for disagreements.
Maybe you could sit her down to review the friendship benefits package, just to see if there are any holes. It’s pretty much standard policy with a lot of folks, people need to feel like they’re covered and there needs are being cared for. Miracles happen but I agree with Robo it could turn into one of those high maintenance bullshits where you end off more miserable.
Worth a shot! Good luck