beautiful day outside. in the 80s. but i see only darkness. can’t seem to escape my head. don’t have the energy to do anything. want to sleep, but can’t. barely have the energy to write this. trying to form coherent sentences . it is almost may. the month i had designated as my last. maybe that is why i am weepy, sad, etc etc. name the depression symptom i have it. the muscle pain and fatigue seem to be getting worse. sleep doesn’t feel refreshing. like i have been beaten up while i slept. then there is the suicidal thoughts. never far from my mind. seems like a reasonable response to how shitty i feel. saw the family over the weekend and the thought of not seeing them again doesn’t really faze me. same can be said of friends etc. i already feel detached from everyone anyway so going the extra step doesn’t seem illogical. so is today the day? can’t and won’t say. i won’t back myself into a corner. been there, already done that. can’t be too cautious. i know that no one who knows me reads these posts on a regular basis. it is amazing how easily i can fade into the “woodwork” so to speak. spent a good portion of my life trying to be invisible. i can hide in plain sight. when you don’t believe it matters if one lives or dies it is pretty easy . slip away quietly and no one will notice, until it is too late. maybe. well better get something accomplished today. seems like my whole self worth is dependent on what chores i get done. wouldn’t want to be lazy.
Sounds peaceful. Unfortunately sounds very very lonely too! If I was near you I would invite you for a hike out in the woods to the beach with me today. I am going in 20 minutes when I can leave this stuffy office for the day. What is causing you so much sadness? Are you even able to pinpoint certain things or has the depression clouded everything?
ive felt that exact way my whole life. been in the “woodwork” for the past 12 years until 6 months ago where I stopped caring and set my mind on it, but yes im extremely quietly slipping away while everyone thinks im getting better. but I don’t want to be in the corner so im just fading by myself in the only comfort as knowing I dont have to see june, worst month ever for me, so “may” is now the word I will cry my happy tears to today(I love crying, and im a man and I don’t care being sad is my biggest joy at this point)
Koti-thanks for the response. the cause? well for starters there is clinical depression. have suffered from that since i was a child. been on a boatload of meds with varying degrees of success. some would work for awhile then just stop. currently on 6 meds now. with a recent increase in dosage. may is a bad month for me. my birthday month. has been that way for a long time-you know another year older and deeper in debt. ever since i lost my job 2 years ago i have been in a death spiral. all the other personal things going on relate to my underemployment in some way. and because losing my job was my fault i am resented. my desire to die has never been stronger . i am beginning to scare myself. however fucked up that sounds.
Well you’re not invisible here as you’ve witnessed. Some people would say not considering death or life frees them to pursue what’s really important.