is it weird to be thinking about music at my funeral? don’t know where this came from but i decided i wanted ” the sound of silence” old or new version played at my funeral. don’t know where this idea came from. i want to express my sorrow for those people who died in the psych hospital fire in russia. by pure chance i am a “nutjob” in a first world country. some of the russian patients died in their beds. sedated. sick.
I don’t think it’s weird to want to express yourself.
I was thinking polka, or maybe circus music. I do not approvel of funerals and if they insist on giving me one i want to make everyone there as uncomfortable as possible. I may also arrange for my body to arrive an hour or so after it is scheduled to start with a sign that says: “Sorry I’m late.”
Not to sound like an ass but I feel like if the patients in that psychiatric hospital were treated the same as here in the states. Well they were probably treated worse considering Russia isn’t known for their human rights record. They were probably better off dying in that fire than living the rest of their lives in that prison. I just hope they didn’t feel anything when they actually died.
Psychiatric hospitals are barbaric and horrible places to be at. They force drugs on you and watch your every move. It’s just as bad if not worse than prison.