my grandma, my support, my best friend passed away feb. 28th of this year. the only way i can discribe my pain is straight up denial. my family for the most part is supportive. within the past year i have delt with this and.rape. my parents are.on the verge of divorce. my friends are moving on with their lives and.i.feel alone. i am also.struggling with coming out about being bi. by looking at me you would have no idea all.this is happening in my life. i just need help, bitni dont want to be treated unhumane orr like a freak. trust me i seem like your everyday college party girl! please help!
Get thee to a councilor, girl.
If your parent’s are, indeed, at all helpful (which is only right, given that their divorcing is a major part of things) and you are still on their health plan (which, if they have any, you should be, since those plans are now legally required to carry you until you’re 25), then getting a councilor should be no harder than coming up with the $25 copayment each visit.
I’m not saying that counciling will help every depressed person, but if you need to talk to a confidential, sympathetic person, councilors can be great. And if your first apple out of the barrel is rotten, throw it back in, and pull out another. It might take several tries, but finding a good one will likely really help you get through the shit storm your life has turned into.
Really sorry about your grandma. About coming out of the closet, you just have to find the right crowd to come out to. Some people are not only accepting of homosexuals, but actively seek their friendship. Like Dallas said, a therapist can help you with these decisions.
I have tried meds, I have tried psychologists and psychiatrists, I have gone to AODA counseling. My family has a n
long history of.depression, bipolar, manic depressive disorder , and.a large amount of other physical health issues such as a bad liver disease, called prophyria.( very rare) and as of two years ago my mom way diagnosed with Lupas. It is so keep going knowing I am facing a road of more health issues. I have a grim outlook on life already and add to. That the realization that medically things probably.wont get better health wise. My grandma was the longest lived person in my family at.66 years old. It just seems there’s not much hope.I just worry I will get fired from missing work for emotional reasons and it will.all go down hill.from there. My rainforests thinks I need to be making big career moves after just turning 20. I’m just so overwhelmed and its hard to have as positive outlook when family history shows.things are.not likely to get better.
Stop making your life more complicated than it has to be and focus on the facts. You’re an incredibly young woman who’s been having a rough time lately. Grandmother passed, memories of rape, thoughts of your family’s history of health problems, coming out of the closet; this shit is all in your head. You need to organize your problems into two piles, physical problems and mental problems. Physical problems are things like overdue term papers or flat tires. Physical problems are easy because they usually have solutions and can be resolved with physical labour. Unfortunately, it seems like all of your problems are mental, and those rarely have an answer.
Sounds like you’ve been through some shit, but trust me when I say that it’s not the end of the world. Worry more about mourning your grandmother and getting more support for your thoughts of rape/health issues. You’re only 20 so there’s really no rush to go out and find your career right now so I say focus on healing your mind of what plagues you. If you’re 30 and find that you still don’t know what to do for a career, then you should worry. I turned 27 last Saturday and I’m still thinking about what I want to do for a career; I wish I could go back to 20 and tell myself not to worry so much about work and playing the game of life. The most important thing is that you’re healthy, both physically and mentally, or else you won’t be prepared to handle life when things get bad.
Tphgs….good words.