I was always bullied, they made me feel so unwanted, so worthless. Everyday I would Ty to act as though everything was fine and I would put a fake plastic smile to try to be normal, only to cry my eyes out when my parent weren’t home. I was drowning and had nowhere to go. One day I finally snapped. I went home and swallowed a handful of pills. If I’d didn’t throw up the glob before passing out I would have died. Years later, i would like think I am better but I am not. The bullying has started up again and my friends are turning out to be fakes. I am starting to drown again and I know I can’t go through this again. I am losing who I am because of how People think I should be.
Well hey you can talk to me , I was bullied in the 6th grade and I’m now in the 10th grade and I’m not the most liked person and it still affects me, if you want you can email me
Stay true to yourself, dont change just to make others happy. Most adult people dont know who they realy are, they dont even care. But you, you allready know. Thats why you are special and I like that. Stay strong.