I was born disabled. Not your typical disability like being in a wheelchair or something but a very horrible genetic disease that has severe effects on the organs, skin and brain.  I’ve been waiting to die now for three decades and it just hasn’t happened.   I have been too sick to leave home for the last 5 years. I want to hurry up the process.  I wish that I had access to ********. It would make a huge difference just to have that available and know that there’s a way out.  I frequently think about leaping from an upper floor of the hospital. I like the idea of jumping but I don’t want my siblings to have to deal with that emotionally. It would be easier for them if I let the disease run it’s course but like I said it is taking too long. I think I will live anywhere from three to ten years from now. It’s really hard to think about living another ten years. My body is weakening and I think if I were to live for another five years I probably would be too weak to get out of bed.  I wish there was an easy way out of life so I didn’t have to rot away like this. This world is an evil place. I am mad at god for making this world and for sending me here.
Your situation sounds so awful and I can’t imagine what it must be like. Is there anything you can do to enjoy life as much as you can while you still can? I keep saying or thinking that I should live a really wild and crazy life and if I die in the process so be it, at least I went out having fun – yet I still find myself unable to do that.
Sadly I cannot enjoy my life as I am incapable of doing things. My disability is quite extreme, I am limited to walking short distances, reading, and sleeping. The biggest “event” in my life is taking my dog down the street to the park sometimes but I tire out quickly and have to deal with the stares I get.
Hi Rash,
there might indeed be a solution for you. In Germany and Switzerland there are two associations offering assisted suicide with ********. They are called Dignity and Exit.
I have already contacted Dignity. It might be the only safe and legal way of getting the drug. In addition, the people there must have experience in administering it. Imagine you take the wrong dose and are forced to support life in a state that’s even worse than the present one.
My grand-aunt jumped out of the window in the second floor of a hospital. I would definitely not try that, because she has been handicapped since that. Life gets even worse then…
I know about Dignitas unfortunately I’d never be able to travel there. Someone would have to take me and I have nobody in my life that would do that. How awful about your aunt. I heard you have to be at least 10 stories up for a fatal leap but there are no guarentees you won’t survive. God I wish assisted suicide were legal. In the mean time, my skin is rotting off.