I find no joy in anything. Â I had a great life from 0 to 18. Â 18 is when it all went to shit and I lost my mind. Â I think it’s time to call it quits now. Â If only I had some N to pass away peacefully and not dangle violently in my garage.
You go to the corner store get some cookies and/or ice cream my friend. Tupacorbiggie it hard to be depressed if you’re stuffing your face with ice cream and cookies.
Tupac I suggest you follow Coitus’s advice. It’s a great one! Maybe we all should do that!
Yeah because what you need is to give yourself diabetes.
Seriously, tupacorbiggie. Life fucking sucks. At least most of your life you had it good. don’t know if your still 18. Hang in there.
“Two words – KitKat Lasagne. One Word Diabeetus” 😀