I tried so hard to have a friendship with the woman I truly love, because all I look forward to in this world is seeing her find her soulmate, become the person she wants to be and sail into the proverbial sunset. I don’t care about  me or what becomes of me, I just want to see her be happy, with a fulfilling job and a fulfilling relationship with a good man who’s right for her. But now she’s begun dating a guy named Mitch and deleted my number; she wants me in her life like she wants polio. Now that I can’t see her be happy I have nothing left.
Read what I just wrote to the person who left the story called ‘Lost” seems like it might apply to you too? You can see my username over there on the right. —> 🙂
Part of loving someone the way you describe is letting them go, and doing so without any demands from them, or regrets, or becoming personally gutted. Not that there is not a place for grieving the loss of what was but that because there was love, we do grasp it so tightly that it diminishes us and transform the love into something else.
Often when we help someone grow a part of them doing so is letting go of the relationship of the person that helped them. Especially if that person, through no fault of their own, is a reminder of the past they wish to move on from.
I recently read a book called “Wild†by Cheryl Strayed. About a amazing journey in which she met some wonderful people who helped her along the way, and whom she helped. What struck me was how much love was present in those moments. She is unlikely to see these friends ever again, but they were and will always remain friends, as she holds each of them in her heart.
I think back on my own experiences, people I have met, that became friends who I will not likely ever see again and the love remains. It’s… nice actually, to allow people to be in this way, without having any demands or expectations, being grateful for the time that was shared. Sometimes, over the years we reach out with a simple thinking of you, and it’s enough.
You’re right, I don’t love her, I just want her for myself. I’ve known that deep down and known that’s why she had to go; because I’m selfish and couldn’t fulfill her. I’m glad I pushed her away, that she’s kicked me entirely out of her life. One less person to hurt when I go.