does anybody know how to be happy because i havent put on a real smile since the winter. i want to know what happiness feels like again, im lost in my own depressed, suicidal world and i dont know how to get out. im about to reach my breaking point.
I am in exactly the same place as you right now.
sucks, doesnt it
Yeah it does, do you want to chat over email?
no thanks, too risky with all of the internet dangers out there. no offense or anything
That’s ok
^^ oh dear sounds like you need to use TOR. anonomous untraceable. do a search for tor browser and all will be revealed. once your on there use tormail no traces you can chat to whom you like then.
One thing everyone on this board has in common is we all know suffering, heartbreak and loneliness. I tried to commit suicide many many years ago, have done the drug and alcohol thing plus some other addictions. Suicidal thoughts rize up every now and then when times get hard. What I realized is I can’t do this alone. I don’t want to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. I have seen way to many young people commit that final act and seen them laying in their caskets. I have seen loved ones who have suffered because of suicides. My oldest son found his friend hanging in a shower. She hung herself because my nephew and her were fighting and he broke up with her. At 18 she did that. He was the same age. Everyone blamed him and he could never get over it. Took to cough syrup like it was candy and messed up his mind. Ended up in and out of jail. Getting beat up while in jail. Found alcohol and at 22 looked terrible with his red face from all the drinking. He finally committed a crime that put him in prison for 5 years. At least now he is sober. We go through suffering and some don’t handle it and turn to drugs or alcohol to medicate themselves. I know what that is all about. When I reached my breaking point, that was when I realized that I can’t do this alone anymore. I didn’t want to continue doing things my way. My way just messed things up. I humbled myself and gave the controls over to the one who created me. I am here for a purpose just like everyone else on this planet. We are not alone. The very one who created us knows our hearts so very well and loves us so very much. Hard to see sometimes but if we have our heads down looking at the ground we can never see whats up above in the beautiful sky. So amazing that the one who created the heavens and the earth hears our prayers even when we are walking in darkness. If you are at your breaking point, why not try His way, His truth and His life. You will never regret it.
wow…what a story. im so sorry for everything that you have been through..ive been thinking about getting in to drugs with everything that has been going on lately, but that definitely changes my perspective..
i’m sorry, well not sorry really. god is bullshit. religion is bullshit. there is too much suffering in the world for there to be a caring god. if he does exist then he can suck it, because he sucks and is doing a shit job. there are scientists that can create life in a lab, and in so doing, they have created life but do not and cannot know the minds of the life they have created. this is the way god, if there is one, works. even if there is a god who created us he cannot know our minds. if suicide is the refuge of the weak, then god is the refuge of the weakest. and i don’t believe that suicide is for the weak, but for the strong, the strong who see that life is meaningless and too hard to bother. it doesn’t matter anyway. good bad or ugly we are going to die, and all of it won’t mean a hill of shit.