my mother’s father was the village principal. Our family was a prominent, priviledged and respected family in the village. We were also religiously devout. We gave a lot of money to the temple and helped build temples, schools, etc. Somebody distorted the truth about my family and has belittled my family down to ANTICHRISTIANS. They made all the other tamil ppl laff at my mother’s suffering in Canada and my family’s looks and other bad things. THEY SAID WE ARE ENEMIES OF CHRIST. THIS is JUST MY FAMILY and FAMILY LINE. HE USED ME BADLY AGAINST THE GLORIFICATION OF THE MUSLIM RACE. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. IT IS SCARY AND CRUEL AND I AM HURTING SO BAD. I WANT TO HURT THEM so BADLY but I CANNOT> TODAY I WROTE DEICIDE ON MY ARM> goodbye.
He has put ENDLESS CRUELTY and PUNISHMENT, HATRED AND JEALOUSY into my family line. he
We have no right to judge one another. We are only to show love for one another. Even though beliefs maybe different we are still all just people. Under the different colors of our skin, our blood is all red. God is love and those that truly follow him in Spirit and in truth don’t treat others like your family is being treated. But one thing all races of people have in common is our suffering. Your suffering may be different than mine but it hurts none the less. From our suffering we can either choose to let it bring us down or we can learn from it by humbling ourselves and asking for help from on high. Just because someone sits in church doesn’t mean they are a Christian just like me sitting in a garage makes me a car. God knows our hearts and our pain and that is the beauty of Him that no matter what we think we have done or think we are, He loves us unconditionally.
we absolutely do “have the right to judge.” We have something called “free will,” which automatically grants us the right to act in whatever way we Will to Act. That even includes the most heinous of actions. We also, however, have every right to punish those who offend or harm us, and to create systems of consequences for breaking laws created to deter heinous actions.
I agree that people are all people, and all of us do, in theory, have the right to own our own lives. I do not agree that all beliefs are of equal validity. Some are obviously incorrect, while others are plausible. “Belief” means deciding something is true, despite a lack of sufficient evidence. Faith is belief despite evidence against. Both are bad.
Inflated, unrealistic expectations, rooted entirely in fantasy, not reality, are the primary causes of suffering in this world.
Everyone would have to “get” that, and cooperate, in order for the most wrong parts of this world to be fixed. That is highly implausible… but based on the unrealistic condition of “everyone working together,” i “believe” it could be possible to actually fix this world. I do not, however, “believe” that it will occur. There is no evidence to suggest that it will. There is only evidence to suggest that people will continue to behave irrationally, and be taught to be that way, by the same unrealistic, fantastical, theology-based indoctrination systems… so that the people who benefit from doing so, can continue to gain the benefits they gain, to which they surely feel entitled.