Time passes by very quickly so fast that I find it hard to catch up, I’ve always been shy,imaginative,and outgoing at times but in my recent years I find that I spend a lot of time on my own and I never really reveal myself or open up to people though I’ve never really been a kid who’s open with her feelings but I guess I can contribute that to moving a town away and when I do open up to people and tell them how I feel it’s a very strange feeling to me now that I end up regretting it, I truly feel like such an outsider everywhere I go nobody knows who I am not even I know I guess but I just wanted to feel like a somebody and feel important. I remember last school year I decided to join a performing arts school and I took dance as my major I remember going there hoping things would finally get better for me but they didn’t being there kind of made me feel like a loser being in a place where kids were more talented than I was and I felt like I’d never be able to catch up to them and thinking about this added to how badly I already felt about myself so I began to feel depressed and eventually dropped out of this program to deal with my emotions but I wasn’t able to confront them so I ended up in downward spiral and it took me until the end of the school year to accept that and ever since I’ve been trying my hardest to just “make it go away” and the school year’s nearly over and time just keeps flying by and I guess I’m just upset because time’s going by and I still feel like this and I don’t like who I am I’m cold because I’m so closed off , I even find it hard to be productive and try the things I want to because I don’t deserve it
Hi, I want to tell you that I feel EXACTLY the same! Every where I go people think I’m so weird. I’m also too shy, at school I don’t talk with anybody and I’ve never found a single person with this problem. They say I have selective mutism.. well what can I say. I went to drama classes think the same that you.. I’ll be good there, I’ll make friends, blah blah blah. IT WAS A MESS, really! The worst idea! … Well.. I just want to let you know that if you want to talk with me, it would be a pleasure 🙂 email me anytime! aliceoursong@gmail.com See you and be strong x
Thanks that helps sort of, and I’ll keep your email in mind