As you know I have a very rich grandmother who is quite snobby and verbally abused me when i was a child. Last week I was talking to her on the phone and my plan had slipped out and i told her by mistake.. She tried long and far to stop me but i said no to everything… For some fucking stupid reason she decided to give me a mil to enjoy before I pass away…I now this would sound really fake to the average person but i don’t care if you believe me or not. All that matters is what should i do with it. Can i get some suggestions?
Stop being dumb and live your life? (Humble suggestion)
You know what Id do with a million dollars? I’d help my family. They have basically been supporting me my whole life and I could never repay them the way things are going in my life now. The way things are going..I never will be able to repay them ever.
It depends on what you want and need….I can’t tell you how to spend money for you….If it were me? I would use 500,000 and buy everything I need to become independent of the system and disappear from humanity….Somewhere deep in a huge rural area where the nearest town is 100+ miles away…. And build my own time capsule….like Henry Ford tried to do when he got sick of the “modern era” of his day… I would also make sure to buy plenty of barbiturates so when I commit suicide It would be easy and peaceful (yes I would still kill myself)…the rest I would give to my mom and sister before I disappeared
You could buy some ********. HCN is a painful way to die.
@Painnlife&pluto2 Cianide is an easier way to go so im going that way. @realtalk30 I have no one…
I think im gonna give her it back.
Donate some to charity? Treat yourself to a nice meal at a good restaurant. Go on a fun activity like bungie jumping. Rock climbing. Gliding. Haha and donate some more to charity.
If it was me id blow some of it on something completely stupid but fun. Then I would donate the majority to research on depression and bi polar disorder, but thats just me. Spend it on something that would make you happy, buy loads of prostatutes or something.
If it were me, I’d clear the debt of myself and few others. I’d buy land and aim to become self sufficient on it. Any leftover money would be given to charity to help food/water autonomy. Or maybe I’d buy native land and give it back to them.
I would spend a couple of hundred grand and travel the world and go to all those great places. Then I would go find some place rural and buy a cheap house and land and outfit it to basically be as self sufficient as possible and just make art, play music, make good meals and enjoy myself.
I already have a nice enough house even though its always black, i drive a mercedes cl63 black *The one with the dumbass looking wing that i took off*, i dont really lie traveling much unless im going somewhere with a purpose because i have anxiety attacks when around a massive number of people, Donation? ha, id rather burn it than that if its not to a cause that isnt corrupt and would buy weed with my money.
You can bypass the monetary donation and buy some items like food? Shoes? Clothes? You’d be surprised how far a pair shoes can go for a person with no money. I know there is soles for souls which gives shoes to latin american kids. I doubt you’re hispanic so i doubt you know how badly kids have it there. My family even sends things back to the motherland to family members who need clothes and shoes. Then again i actually believe in charity and helping others despite the fact that i hate humans. Well burn the money then? Or give it back to your “rich snobby” grandma cuz no one but her needs the money p:
-.- Ive been there twice andi can tell you that 98% of the poor people down there is cause because NO ONE WANTED TO GO LEARN OR TO GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND WORK and ive asked alot of people why they cant work and they always say Oh there are no jobs here and its hard to get one, I have no fucking job qualifications and i went down there and i got 5 job offers… and im a black guy…
Other than that i have no problemo buying some shoes and giving the children i guess..
But no money… There parents will waste it -.-
You could donate to the “save the clevername fund.” lol.
I would use it to buy the minimum amount of land i could work with, either in colorado, oregon, or washington, and i would build a small/modest “core structure” house, and would equip it with the best and most i could, to make it self-sufficient and capable of sustaining “off the grid.” I would want it to be “modular” to some extent, so that in the event i acquire more resources, i could add rooms, or otherwise expand, or upgrade the integrated systems with which i had equipped it, so that i have my own power, my own water, my own internet node, my own small-time fabrication equipment (drills, saws, 3D printer, etc.), so that i could make things i need.
Once that was completed enough to stabilize, i would spend my days contemplating life, playing video games, conceptualizing and designing things, and taking online courses, learning programming, engineering principles, and essentially acquiring all the knowledge and tools i would need, to make things and people smarter.
I would eventually start my own software “company,” intended to run remotely, so that i could hire coders and engineers from all over the world, and we could just use something like github, so that no one ever has to “go to” work, but can simply work wherever they are, as long as they can upload their work through the internet.
I would be involved in various groups, communities, projects, and would have plenty of reason to remain alive and spread my ideals. I would also be able to help my family, in addition to myself. I would also be able to afford to see some doctors, who may or may not be able to help me re-stabilize my body, after almost 2 decades of struggling to keep it together after my first nerve injury in high school (and the few/several since).
I would also LOVE to have a “high-tech” private grow op, and cultivate strictly all-natural, all-organic, seedless kind bud, and to selectively breed for best genetics and desirable hybrids. It’s just that i don’t think there is anywhere to do that “legally,” even though lots of people in certain areas currently do so. Perhaps i could assist with the legalization movement… but that avenue often seems futile. I think we should have a system in place for people to become licensed growers.
Yeah. Me, Me, Me. I don’t care if anyone thinks this is selfish. You can try to help people who want to make things better, or you can waste your time on people who just want free stuff, and will continue on their lemming-like path of mindless consumption and helplessness.
So there ya go. Feel free to do for yourself any and/or all of what i would use that money for, were such resources available to me. I’m sure that amount would be “enough” to give a worthy but disadvantaged person a “fair shot” at making an acceptable life for themselves. But if you spread it around too much, people will buy cheeseburgers and beer and TV’s.
If nothing else, i feel this has been a worthwhile thought exercise.
I agree absolute. Thats why i said shoes or clothes. Yeah sadly the people either wont get a job because theyre lazy or..lazy. Then again thats in any country. o-o you worked there. How much did you get paid? How many pesos? How many quetzals?
I did a one time job when i was partially mentally stable and i got paid 134 pesos every 2 hours @clevername that sounds like a good idea!. If i don’t kill myself or do something with the money id like to hump that idea like hell..
Just something i want to display:
Min wage: $7.50
7.5 x 40 (hours per week, some places won’t let you work more, because they don’t want to pay overtime, which is 1.5x normal wage, so 7.5×1.5= 11.25, for anything over 40 hours) = 300/week, before taxes. Taxes can be either not taken out at all (requiring payment to the IRS @ tax season) or taken out, @~15-20%. Let’s go with 20%. That’s “one fifth.” 300/5= 60. So, 40×7.5-20%= 240/week. That is less than $1k/month.
Rent is never lower than 400, unless you’re insanely lucky. It’s often much higher.
Water is usually ~$70-ish. Power is usually just under $200. In the south, you NEED A/C, and to attempt to go without is literally risking death, and if not death, risking other health issues which will eventually cost more money to treat, and will also reduce your capacity for working, if not entirely eliminate it, because despite employers wanting to never pay more than minimum wage, they often want much greater than minimum effort. So if you’re not a champion at your min-wage job, you’ll get fired, and replaced by someone who is just as desperate, but in better shape.
Then, there’s internet, and/or mobile device service. You can attempt to live without these things, but it is a huge inhibitor to making any changes, and not having internet is a huge reduction in life’s little enjoyments, which are much more important when slaving miserably away for the lowest wage the gov’t allows.
So, we’re looking at ~400+70+200+150-ish= 820, leaving ~180 for an entire month of food, gas for your car, car insurance, and “emergencies.” Most people pay ~$100/mo for insurance, and a 10-gallon tank of gas costs ~$40, and if you have an “economical” car, will get you roughly 300 miles per tank. If you do /nothing/ else, you can probably stretch one tank for two weeks.
I don’t think $40/month is enough for food. That’s 30 days of eating less than $2 worth of food.
And even if one does just barely manage to squeak by and survive in such a situation… what resources remain for any chance at improvement? Zero.
An 8 hour shift takes at least 11 hours of each day. One for pre-work, one for mandatory lunch break, one for return home. And that’s if you’re incredibly efficient with your time, and nothing goes wrong, and no traffic jams.
So, 24-11 is 13, of which roughly 8 are /required/ for adequate sleep/rest. 13-8= 5. Much of that 5 is spent on hygiene and pooping. Let’s subtract 2 more hours. So we have 3 hours remaining, and no money. Who wants to spend time with anyone who has no money and no chance to progress? Who has time to go to school or learn a new skill? 3 hours, if you’re tight with time, is just not enough. And even if you are tight with time and don’t spend a cent on anything unnecessary, a long span of this pattern must occur, without anything going wrong, without any surprises, without any unmanageable problems, in order for even just the chance to progress, to present itself. Things like back problems and depression are fatal in this scenario, because there is no time, no resources, no safety net to save you from what is bound to occur. There is no hope. There is miserably striving against futility, for the sake of what will mathematically never occur. You’ll end up spending your entire life tired and angry, or just numb… because that’s the system we’re born into. Is it really that much better than being “ethiopian?” Is it really that much better than being dead? Lots of people don’t seem to think so. Even people who seem to have everything anyone could ever want, end up feeling like this is all just unbearably irrelevant, and offing themselves.
So idk. You can call people “lazy” if you want… but i don’t think that’s typically the case. I think that thinking “everyone is just lazy” is just as stereotypical and convenient as those who actually are lazy, thinking everyone should give them free stuff.
If you are paying rent at 400 yiu are renting a room which regularly includes utilities. Take out gas and electrcity. If it is not included it’s shared so divive it by 3 or 4. You can’t assume we all have cars. People who make minimum wage usually go for public transportation.
Clever you’re variables are too limited to the people who don’t try to save money. When you make 7.5 an hour you do your best to save money by not having a car, shared housing. Also i work ten hour shifts not including the two hours for before and after work. Thats 12 hours. I don’t sleep the full eight which most peolle also don’t do. I still have about 6 hours. Pooping and hygiene 2 hours? Again extreme. Cut that down to 1.5 or even 1 for some people.
By lazy we meant people who decided to waste their adolescants not learning a skill or paying attention in school (me for instance).
Did you calculate any benefits companies take from workers? The fact that those who pay taxes with zero dependents get a large reinburstmen every year? 401k savings which can in fact provide money in times of need and is untaxed?
If you’re gonna do the calculations we gotta have the variables and not limit the range to the extremes.
@clevername You have a well plotted out plan there sir… @attheend You forgot the economy rates…
what economy rates?
1 us dollar is 12 pesos so you have to multiply it all.
400 doesn’t always include utilities.
I can’t assume we all have cars (and i hadn’t; obviously, not everyone does), but public transportation is not viable in some places. In fact, it’s non-viable in more places than it is viable.
The fact is that you can’t just not have a car, unless you’re lucky enough to live in a place where that is feasible, which i do not. I can’t be the only one, right?
You can’t expect people to “just accept” that not sleeping is a reasonable requirement, and i know that causes health problems as well. Causing health problems which reduce work viability is not an acceptable or sustainable circumstance. It adds up and catches up and then you need care you can’t afford, and can’t sustain work performance. Even if you’re not actually asleep the whole 8 hours, you might need to lay there for 2 hours before you finally drift off. You might need an hour to get from fully asleep, to fully awake and alert.
Pooping and hygiene includes teeth, showering, drying off… shaving… it’s not unreasonable for 2 hours per day to be spent on the combination of all those tasks. I suppose you could just skip hygiene and save time, but again, the extended result is declining health and discomfort. A more immediate result of not shaving could be getting fired. Shaving costs time and money, especially for someone like me. I didn’t choose to be born with the capacity to grow an epic beard (though i do choose to wear one when allowed), coupled with “weird” grain-direction and skin that flares up like a mofo when i shave. It’s just one more bullshit thing about life.
Sure, some people do “waste” their adolescence… but others are born into families whose choices eliminate better options. What you’re saying amounts to “you screwed up a long time ago and it’s too late to fix it, so too bad.” Some people never learn what it is they’re supposed to do, until they’re already thrust into the non-sustainable real world min-wage scenario. Others are aware, but are prevented from doing so, again, because an adolescent rarely has full control of themselves and their environment.
I was one of those who got screwed over by my parents. I spent the last ~15 years trying to figure out how to fix it, but being trapped in the min-wage cycle, and bombarded by effects caused by other people’s decisions. No, i wasn’t perfect, but if not for the interference of others, i have to think i would have found a way.
Any “large reimbursement” (which is rarely “large”) given to someone trapped in the min-wage cycle, will inevitably be spent on overdue health care or bills. Not everyone can afford to make it check to check, while also putting aside any “savings,” because there is nothing left-over.
My portrayal of the scenario may not be perfect, but is not exactly “extreme.” The portrayal is not what is extreme; the scenario itself, and that we are flung into this with no other option, is what is extreme. I also neglected to add the time-cost and psychological cost of having no other option but to live with people who provide constant stressors, and waiting for people to get out of the way so you can do things you need to do.
If you don’t have enough of the right kinds of nutrition, and are also constantly afflicted by stressors, and often not sleeping enough, and having to work yourself to exhaustion on a daily basis… it won’t work. Your “youth” eventually depletes, and it’s no longer sustainable. If you’re like me, you also have severe reality-based depression, as well as physical difficulties from injuries in the past.
Some people do just need to care more and try harder… but sometimes more effort does not translate to more gains, and some of us never really had the option to succeed, and cannot make it without some sort of help, and that help needs to avail a path toward a better life, to even be valid help. I don’t want help to survive in exactly the same miserable way that i have this whole time. That’s part of the problem. If i know it will never get any better, even at maximum sustained effort, then there is no reason to try, and no genuine motivation. There is no discernible gain that is possible from valiantly enduring perpetual pain.
What is the point of busting ass just to barely survive, just so that i can hate my job and go home to sit alone in my empty room each day? The only “point” is that i wanted to live a life, but i can’t, because i am a modern slave. At least, i was, until i broke down and couldn’t get back up again, but allowed myself to receive life-support from the few who would prefer i stay alive.
The point remains: $1k/mo is not enough. 40+ hours a week is too much. I realize “that’s what other people do,” and “that’s what’s expected,” but that is not acceptable or correct, to me, it does not “work” for me, and i cannot live that way. I cannot fit myself into that mold anymore, though i did try, and gave it all i had, for a long time. That’s how i know it doesn’t work for me. I can keep trying to find a better way, or i can just die. It /does/ matter to me… but it seems there is no other option than suicide, and so i have spent a long time trying to prepare myself for what feels like a compulsory decision. It’s “the least bad thing,” rather than “the most good thing.” I’m tired of life being all about choosing the least bad thing. I’ve been stuck on defense like that my whole life, and not through my own choosing, but because there was no other choice. Those other choices were eliminated by the actions that others were motivated to choose.
If you want to talk extremes, let’s talk about people who spend $50/wk on fast-food for lunch, or buy/drink a gallon of beer every day, or always have to have the latest iphone or the newest game. People who go to bars, ffs. Movie theaters are almost as bad. People flip out when they don’t have or can’t do those things… but all i want is a chance to make my life better… and “the math” says it’ll never happen. If i could isolate myself from the effects of others’ choices, i could probably make things happen. But isolation requires resources, in order to be useful… and i can’t find a way to acquire enough resources in a short enough time, to make it work. I think that’s one of the core issues about why people give up. They lack access to what is required to make things better… and it’s often not their choice.
Ok heres what. Im gonna split the money. 750,000 for me to fuck with i guess and i leave the rest for you guys to deliberate on. Personally i think clever would have some good use for it. You guys’s choice i guess.
750k Is a lot but I agree that others would probably use it better than me….I would use it to escape the system then escape this life….Eventually the money runs dry then what? Im back to square one again….
take all that money and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
no but seriously do whatever you want man. think of all the possibilities.
invest it in land. buy some land and build something on it. you want to play it smart.
1.5 mil isnt THAT much money these days and you can blow it in a second.
Hookers and blow in Amsterdam.
@killswitchon Im not sure if im gonna be here long enough to enjoy buying more land for absolutely no reason, i think ill just put the money in my car or buy another one..
@noodle 750k buys you alot of hookers…..
But it’s Amsterdam. Meet me at the airport on the 28th then we go YOLO :O
Whatever you want to do with your resources is up to you. I just sometimes feel compelled to make points and express what i think and how i feel about what i’m going through. I like to share my experiences and perspectives, both so that i can feel like i said something about my struggles, and also for others to perhaps learn something or maybe avoid some of the things i learned the hard way. I’m not really saying “you should give me your money.” But if you said “here, make something happen…” i wouldn’t be able to refuse. I’ve always wanted to make it on my own… and i’ve always felt… weird… about accepting help from anyone… but at some point i had to realize that sometimes it’s better to receive valid help, if offered, and try to make it count, than to pride myself into the ground. It’s just that lots of times, “help” is offered with strings attached… and most of the time those strings haven’t been worth it.
Still, i feel like i’ve portrayed myself as “arguing for a handout,” which wasn’t my intention, and feels… icky, i guess. lol.
I think you should do whatever you think you should do. If that helps me, then cool. You’re certainly not obligated to do so.
It’s better to give than to receive.
I think what would probably make you happiest would be buying me a new Ducati. Can you imagine how wonderful that would make both of us feel?
Feel free to shoot me an email to set up delivery instructions and specifications on which model you’ll be getting me and a list of options I’d like.
I’ll even give your grandma a ride on the back of my new Ducati. It’s a win-win situation all around. Please act quickly, as time is limited. Thank you.
Yes I extreme was….well an extreme description haha. I disagree with he blaming of the parents. I mean to some degree yes, but nor the majority or sole fault. Ah but I have not the mental capacity to continue this discussion with you. I’m tired~
@noodle 1.5 mil / hookers at 100 per hooker…….thats a world record orgy and an incurable std somewhere in that equation
Hahaha. Well, I’ve been told once to not even consider suicide until after I’ve had the best sex. But I guess there is no such thing. It’s irrelevant. Lets not get into that topic.
1.5 mill is not a large amount of money … whether you decide to blow it on folly or to be judicious and invest smartly to secure a base level of living with security – but it’s enough to ensure you won’t be homeless and you’ll have a modest income if you choose.
If you’ve got that figured out – maybe consider finding the right therapist or doctor to maybe find a way to understand and maybe correct why you feel like just giving up. If none of that interest you, consider doing some good with the windfall to leave some kind of positive legacy
Anyone can buy drugs, drive fast cars and fuck hookers – those moments are only fleeting and ultimately unmemorable time consuming activities
options dawg
@clever Look out for some money your way @noodle if we do this ill have so many stds @_@
Well, ok, strip clubs. No need for std’s. I’m probably going to play one more game after the one I’m in now if you wana join. Not in Skype mood today.
@Dawg Trust me if i dont die i have those bases covered….
@noodle Neh neh ill buy a condom shop. That should take care of those little buggers! Ill be there in a sec.
Well, the point is that parents are responsible for preparing their offspring for the real world. If they do not do this, and if they make choices to prevent that offspring from being able to be independent and self-sufficient… then every problem after that is a result of that individual not being prepared. Being in this system unprepared, is certainly not the offspring’s fault. The offspring does not necessarily get to select with choices are available to choose from. People make mistakes, yes, and we should all take responsibility for our choices, actions, intentions, and motivations… but sometimes only the only available choices are “mistakes” of differing degrees. If you go through life making the least-bad mistakes, because that’s the best thing available to choose… then you have a life of mistakes behind you, because nothing better was available. If someone always does their best, but “best” means “least bad thing,” then how can you blame them? It’s not as though people /want/ to do “the least bad thing they can do,” instead of “what’s best,” it’s that far too often, only “least bad things” are available.
If we’re being realistic, there are problems that can be and are caused, by parents, early in life, which can be said to “ruin” the future for their offspring. The parents don’t choose everything either… but anyone who has kids needs to realize the weight of their choices, and that if you don’t make sure your offspring have what they need, when they need it, you will almost literally be “ruining” their lives… unless those offspring turn out to be some of the lucky ones who end up with access to “what’s best” choices, instead of being stuck with only “least bad” things possible to choose.
I don’t think any one single person is ever “to blame” for anything. I just think that it’s easier to go ahead and blame one person, instead of understanding why people do what they do, and why certain options are only available to certain people.
I disagree with the idea that “i’m blaming the parents.” But who else is to blame for the parents actions and choices? Certainly not myself. Perhaps we should blame the grandparents as well? And the great-grandparents? I think that “we” (humanity) have gradually, through the generations, incrementally created this world, as well as the incompatibilities which manifest.
And i totally understand, it is indeed tiring to think about and verbalize.
@absolute what’s pushing you to feel this way? it sounds like you have many bases covered when it comes to living arrangements and living comfortably enough…what’s the deal man?
@noodle Mother Fucking lever buster banned me again for 2 days……
@Killswitch Read my posts and come back -.-
@absolute aight.
Stop leaving queues!!! I think I might have only left queue once or twice ever.
I DONT! EVER! It gets disconnected :(.
Yknow what man? use that money to travel. upon your travels you will most definitely run into somebody who thinks and feels the same way as you. you’ll connect with someone and that deep longing for connection will be fulfilled. Just get out of wherever you are and shake that familiarity with everything and change the scene. I’m telling you man get active and start doing something different. Much of the lethargy will lift once you start doing something different. be as crazy as you want with the money with noodle if you want but just do something. Travel cross country. wherever you live just say fuck it im going to go for it. If I could trade this mindfuck of a mental anomaly I deal with on a daily basis for a “normal” life again I would in a heartbeat. Then I would travel the fuckin’ world and teach spirituality of some sort. Write a fuckin’ book and surf and sky dive and do everything I possibly could. Not wasting a goddamn day. Just doing everything under the sun, and moon, getting the most out of life as possible. That possibility is non existent for me anymore. For you, you can do that shit. Especially now you have no financial constraints anymore like most of us do. Take the money from G’ma and say FUCK YEAH and live it up. First thing i’d do is call all my old friends and get them to come traveling with me. follow your favorite band on the road. If you’re into cars buy another cool car and drive cross country breathing in the open air. SOO much shit to do.
@killswitchon I have a fucking Merc c63 black
I think my car needs are sorted xd.
(Continuing because link is soo long) As i said before someone like that is one in a million and i doubt id find her. Besides i get scared when im around alot of people. Im not sure if i can handle traveling Everywhere. Im just not ready yet to do those kinds of things… Im too much of an abomination..
o-o i have to ask where did your family attain their wealth?
go on squid quickly
ahh fuck that man…i found a one in a million on this site! on this very site. and this site ain’t no eharmony.. keep your head up. a guy like you will have no trouble finding a woman. you’re funny and you got lots of cool shit. Sweet car btw. i got a chevy cavalier. its sexy but its nothing like a merc c63… when will you ever be ready though? never. according to you, you consider yourself an abomination. that doesn’t sound like that thought process will change in a while without tryin something diff. alls im sayin is that you can make that change. especially when you got the world at your fingertips with the financial end being free and clear.
I deleted the acc details @noodle
@realtalk30 I really am not sure because i hardly listen my grandmother but i think were in the media in some way :3. I know that both of my parents were surgeons and one was a pediatrician.
Idk im just out of the loop @realtalk.
Dude, no offense, but the fact that you said you have 1.5 and not 1, for instance, makes you sound completely full of shit! You’re right. We don’t care if you have it or not. LOL
Go help some adopt some babies from Somalia. Go feed some homeless dtown.
Instead of bragging on a suicideproject. No offense, but that’s what you sounded like.
Sorry i didnt mean for it to sound like that. Im the exact opposite of what you speak. I just wanted to know what to do with it. Thnks for your reply!.