Tomorrow night.
I’ve got it all planned, I’m going to drink a bottle of vodka (my favourite) and take three packs of sleeping pills. Hopefully this works, my only apology is for whoever finds my body.
Tomorrow night.
I’ve got it all planned, I’m going to drink a bottle of vodka (my favourite) and take three packs of sleeping pills. Hopefully this works, my only apology is for whoever finds my body.
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I understand how you feel. However, I wouldn’t recommend trying to overdose. I did so; I did not pass out, but instead had my heart rate increase dramatically, felt extremely nauseous (but could not vomit), couldn’t stop shaking, and had so much pain in my heart and chest and lungs, that I could barely breathe. I thought everything would be over quickly, but it wasn’t, and I ended up going to the hospital. There all they did was take blood and give me things to drink. But I had to stay in the mental ward for a few days. I was very embarrassed later that my whole family knew of this, and they’ve never treated me the same since.
I felt like I was going to die, and even though I had wanted to die beforehand, now that I was on the verge of death, I wanted to live. I didn’t want to struggle with my breathing for hours and then finally die. It didn’t seem fair.
Remember, nothing is so hopeless that it cannot be changed. If you’d like to talk, let me know and I’ll give my email address (or you can find it in the pending comments section, where I posted it for someone earlier).
It wont work youll just mess your liver up or something and wake up in about two days time i reckon think of something else why dont you take a ferry and jump of in the middle of ocean that sure should work
Hey FA94, I can’t offer any inspiration to live so i won’t even try. I researched sleeping pills (Diphenhydramine HCl) because they’re easy to get and supposedly painless. First thing to know is it takes a lot.
The official stat is “50 to 500 mg per kilo of body mass.”
Most over-the-counter sleeping pills are 50 mg (some 25). Assuming you’ve got the 50 kind, multiply that by your body mass in kilos (or about half your weight in lbs). That’s the low side. Multiply by 10 and that’s the high side.
So if you weigh 70 kg (about 155 lbs) you’ll need 70-700 sleeping pills. Seven HUNDRED frickin pills.
The problem is if you take them all at once, especially with alcohol, you’ll barf half of them out. I once experimented by taking 2 pills every 15 minutes all night. I got about 20 in me before freaking and nearly clawing my skin off. It was not a pleasant experience.
I think sleeping pills, like alcohol, are a good suicide aid when used with another more reliable method. My plan is to use sleeping pills to knock me senseless, then fall off the Brooklyn Bridge and either die at impact or drown. If I can get my hands on a gun I’ll eat a bullet for good measure. Good luck to us all.
Ok my math is royally screwed up. Must be from the sleeping pills I took this morning (no joke).
If you weigh 70 kg (155 lbs) you would need 350-3500 sleeping pills to do you in.
Fuck me, I mean 3500-35,000.
70 x 50 = 3500 right? Christ it’s a wonder I can hold a gun