Last night… Well, last night I almost did it. I almost killed myself. The pain was at its peak. I’m on medication for depression, but I don’t think its working. If anything, it’s making me worse. My note was half finished, the pills and bleach beside me, blade in hand; when a friend called me. Stupidly I answered the call, despite the state I was in. As soon as I spoke, he told me to tell him what was wrong. And that made me bawl. He is the first person who has asked me what’s wrong even when I’d said nothing. And, even as I lied through my teeth trying to convince him I was fine, he wouldn’t give up until I told him. I couldn’t help it, I ended the call and just broke down. He’s the only one who’s done that. Who’s realised I’m not okay. And I don’t know why, but that stopped me. He is the reason I’m still alive today. My friend saved me last night.
Sometimes all it takes is one little thing to survive, some pills just aren’t useful try asking your doctor to change your prescription?
Yeah, I tried SSRI’s made my emotions 10x more intense and feelings of self harm increased. Got off those thing’s as soon as I could. But I can’t speak for everyone people are different.