We are not free. We are cattle. We are managed and oppressed debt slaves…The world is one big farm. I don’t know if other people realize things like I have. They say “slavery” has been abolished but it hasn’t. Its been redefined and covered up so that you do not know you are a slave. How? you ask… Well because of how slavery works. If you keep a cow confined in a tight box it will bash its head against the cage and kill or injure itself…but If you allow it more room to operate it becomes more productive and gets more money for the owner….Same with humans….The old way of slavery was profitable but because the slaves knew they were slaves they weren’t as profitable as they would be if they had the false illusion that they were free…our money is worth nothing, it is just worthless paper/plastic. What gives our currency value, is our potential to WORK. We are slaves….Today we are allowed “liberties” that make us think we are free like the choice of where to work, ability to “buy” (you can’t own property) a house, and material goods but do you own them? ask anyone who didn’t pay taxes what happened to their “ownership of their possessions” you can choose lots of things for yourself but what you can never do is choose to leave the farm. Thats why so many things are taxed or you need license to do…The shadow Gov’t uses the Federal reserve to print worthless money which is a violation of the constitution …they loan it to our Gov’t for everything they need so that WE the people have to pay back but can never really pay back because we only pay the interest. The “federal” reserve isn’t federal in terms of Gov’t….IT IS AN INDEPENDENT BANK…. and who owns the bank?…..The farm owners…. This is the real reality of life in the world….I just think before I go on and end my life people should wake up to the real reality of life
I agree that we are in fact slaves like cattle.
The sad part is that so many are oblivious to what is going on and they don’t care but eventually the system will collapse and when it does they will say “but how did this happen?”….because people didn’t want to face the terrifying truth
I’ve been down this road your on. I’ve contemplated this fact (your posting about) into the ground. So I have no add on..but
You said at the end.. “And who owns the bank? The farm owners.”
Is that really true or was it a play on words..or a mistake? Because as I’ve come to know it, the banks and big business are putting the farmer out of a job. Only 2% of the worlds employed population are farmers..if I remember that fact correctly.
Oh and P.S.- MOOOOOOOO!!!!
A play on words… I didn’t mean literally farm owners but the elite who control the federal reserve banks…. for real thinking about the reality is so fucking depressing….its so much they have done to screw the people its astonishing people haven’t rioted and revolted but then again most people choose the blue pill and live in fantasy land
What if you were to be able to survive mentally in this world, still knowing all this?
What would you do if you were able to not give a shit how the world turns out, but still have a desire to watch it eat itself alive? Can you imagine such a way of thinking?
Anyone who knows the real truth will be depressed and discouraged…You can’t not give a fuck because it affects you in every way…. from job wages to jobs to housing markets to laws to food content & prices to media to everything….at this point I don’t want to watch the world burn because you never know you might end up in the flames….Nothing is as society would have you to believe ….everything is tainted and defiled …. fluoride in tap water, GMO’s, fractional reserve banking , and so much more. the rabbit hole runs so deep its no wonder people act as if they don’t see the fucking elephant in the room…. I can’t imagine thinking that way let alone function mentally when we are in the midst of all the confusion…
Like I said…I’ve been down this road already.
I stand and watch the world spin despite those who claim that it doesn’t, play on words.
I am the person who watches the world burn..doesn’t mean I’m ok with it. But what can I do? What can any of us really do? Kill ourselves? Takes all the fun out of total failure in my opinion. Life is pain my friend..I’m sure your aware. Now you need to embrace it for what it is and smile at its irony. Show some teeth for torture. And believe in a higher way of existence in this hell. It’s your next step through this.
as individuals we can’t do anything but society as a whole isn’t ready to pull back the curtain to see who is behind it …I’d rather die than be a debt slave grow old and realize it all meant nothing later on when I know it all means nothing now……and thats the thing life is pain but it wasn’t always this way….native americans didn’t suffer until society brought the bullshit here with them….I wish I was born during that time…Life isn’t meant to be painful by default someone is making it that way so that the majority suffers and a minority prospers…. Nobody said you have to live life in pain and misery…and I refuse to do so much longer
The sad part is not that so many are oblivious to what is going on, but they are directly contributing to the source of the problem. The national debt of US will never be paid off,
yet taxpayers continue to think they’re taxes are paying for valuable goods and services.
They’re wrong. Taxes are going to pay off a debt that will never cease to exist.
If this is not the case, why is there more money being pumped into the military than into the health care system?
Not to mention the fact that we are the only country in the world to have dropped nuclear bombs on another country, killing literally 80,000 innocent ppl in a split second.
And we have the balls to call someone else a terrorist?
Don’t you see? They depend on us! We drive the ambulances, fire & garbage trucks, police cruisers, etc..The government does not give a fuck about you!
Start boycotting the corporation. Need I say more?
@guyofagroup There is the social pressure to ‘fit in’, which is immensely strong in most cultures. Questioning the status quo carries the danger of ostracism, possibly persecution. This aspect has a strong link with politics. People doing well under the current system are not inclined to look favorably on those who question the system. which is why to this day anyone who does is labeled a “conspiracy theorist or nut” and considered crazy
money will ALWAYS be pumped into the military because of the military industrial complex. they fund both sides of the “war” let them borrow the money to buy weapons….destroy the infrastructure and then loan out more money to repair it….its absurd and the thing people don’t understand that if we actually did manage to pay back every dollar? there would be no money in circulation because money is debt and it isn’t backed by anything….
According to the current US debt chart, the national debt at just 16 trillion has exceeded the gross domestic product. What does this mean? It means we are fucked!
It means we owe more money to the banks than all the income we generate from all of our services combined. Does this not ring a bell? How about this, the cost of one Lockheed F22 Raptor jet is around 105$ million US.
Where are we getting all this money from? Thanks to the federal system, money can be printed out of fucking thin air. Now do u see why JFK was assassinated? Cuz he wanted to abolish the Fed. During post inauguration he printed enough credit to erase the debt.
The money he printed was backed by gold 100%!
But he stood in their way, so they assassinated him!
So ask yourself this question. Why are we spending 105 mill $ US if we can’t feed the poor or provide proper health care for the US war veterans? Cuz they don’t give a fuck about us! The power does what the power wants to do!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just want to post here in acknowledgement of the issues discussed.
It’s hard to keep going once you see it.
I’m not trying to offend you people but can you see how hypocritical you are being..in your words I mean. Well..and actions! Let me explain..
I believe it is completely impossible to do anything about it as a society or and individual or a sentient being, it is impossible to change the gears without adding to the corruption and the “system”. We are all doing it right now, helping the “system”. Last night, when we talked about our childhood memories..we were helping the “system”. When you help granny to the car..your helping the system. We are the “system”. When you eat your pop tart…guess what? Yeah?
*lays cards on the table*
Read’em and weep boys!
To fight the system.. Yeah right.. There is no real right or wrong answer! But if you kill yourself you lose anyways.
They’re only priority is to keep you fat and happy! Keep watching you’re T.V shows, keep shopping for and buying needless shit you miserable fucking consumer! And keep working your slave job thinking someday you might win the lottery. Think of the progress we have made. We stole land from the Indians, enslaved the blacks, drops 2 nukes on the yellow japanese ppl and replaced all the forests with MC Donalds and Harveys. Wake the fuck up!
This country use 2 beautiful. Look at it now. One big transcontinental commercial cesspool!
Thats why it’s called the American Dream, cuz you have to be asleep to believe in it!
I bet you 50p that Clevername is going to write an essay on this post.
Executive order 11110 got Kennedy killed …you’re right he tried to do something about it and got whacked….and 16 trillion is a facade ….the real debt is in the hundreds of trillions ….the media would have you believe its that low but the honest truth is shocking…the U.S had been bankrupt since 1933 and the fed has been the bank for a 100 years
He already has. its been on his computer waiting for this very day and topic. (;
I previously refrained from adding:
Talking about it won’t change a thing, unless enough people understand what we’re discussing, and what the costs would be, to change it, and if still enough were willing to sacrifice their own lives for “the revolution,” then maybe…
But trying to do anything about it without the best “surge” we can organize, will only result in catastrophic detriment to the system that works for the sheeple. Many would die. And if the lunge isn’t perfect, it would fail.
We’re basically screwed. But i don’t think it’s “hypocritical” to see it, hate it, and complain. We didn’t know what we were doing, until it was too late.
The cost of freedom: eternal vigilance: a price we could not afford. An unpaid debt, inherited the same as “the sins of the father,” with exponentially compounded interest. The cost to become free, now far exceeds the eternal vigilance we owed ourselves, but could not afford… or simply chose not to pay?
Whatever it was, it is what it is, today. Most people have no idea, and it’s meant to be that way. “We as a whole” are not supposed to figure out what, if anything, could be done to correct it. We are supposed to either never see it, or see it and feel helpless, and then go along with it, because there is no other non-destructive choice.
So i sometimes wonder if “truth” is worth discovering. Perhaps it is best to not know.
lol. I never have anything pre-written. Everything i’ve ever posted here has been spontaneously and genuinely composed, on the spot (quoted authors notwithstanding).
@clever was that response also pre written for this day to? lolol
RealTalk clearly nobody is desperately begging for your support to boycott the kentucy fried chicken coops that cater to 24hrs of nonstop animal cruelty. You can watch that on youtube if you need facts. But my dear friends. The man responsible for the mass murder of around 18,000 innocent Japanese babies did not fall from Mars. President Truman much like ur recent fool for president Bush came from an American family. They were children like you and I! Don’t blame the politician, blame the fuking family dynamics that help raise puppets and puppeteers! My dear friends. We haven’t changed since cavemen times!
We’re just cavemen with ipods, baseball hats and automatic weapons!
A rat will do a lot of gross sh*t but it will not fuc* a dead rat!
Only human beings can think of fuc*ing som1 that just died!
@realtalk30 It would take a major revolution to abolish the current system and rebuild it….like clevername said if you can’t get enough people involved and willing to die and fight it will all be in vain… and discussing it is not helping the system…its not hurting it either it really has no effect….and no killing yourself isn’t winning but its not losing either….its simply saying….”I refuse to play your game”
Marxism doesn’t really work in the real world.
So you’re saying “blame the family dynamic?”
I think you’re missing a significant portion of the real cause. There is a mindset embraced by those in power, “TPTB,” and they will literally do anything to maintain their control, including creating “false” wars (not saying the war itself doesn’t exist, the dead are real) where they profit from funding and exploiting both sides.
“The rabbit hole” isn’t even a rabbit hole. It’s a vast underground array of interlinked control systems… many of which do indeed extend “above ground.”
The more you dig, the more you uncover, the more outraged and hopeless you’ll become. There is not much we can do about it, if anything at all. The best we can do is try to enjoy what’s left, and try to take incremental steps toward enabling the future populations to make it change. For now, we’re pretty much stuck with it.
The requirement to change it has grown to exceed what can be accomplished in a single lifetime by a few people. It’s going to take generations and millions of people, all working together.
I can’t keep up with this conversation!
My lady has me watching a documentary on little girls that are forced to kickbox for money in Thai Land.
…I will leave you all with that thought!
Clevername I truly hope you’re running for president! And agreed. It will take global effort to change our azz backwards social structure. The world is full of misery, pain and suffering. Very little is left to enjoy. So the way I see things. When the plane is going south. You have only two options: eject from the cockpit or try to maneuver and endure as much as you can. As for me. I’ve given up on this world. I’m very close to saying goodbye. You guys are the only reason I’m still on earth. I love you all!
I’ve honestly considered it, but i wouldn’t be allowed to be a candidate. Plus, i’d just be “the next JFK,” which probably wouldn’t end up helping very much, if at all. But… thanks for your “vote” anyway. lol. 🙂
its disheartening and depressing to know we won’t see change in our life time….probably how the first slaves felt when they realized abolishing slavery wouldn’t take place until generations later after they had long been dead
the people who need to be president (Ron Paul) are swept to the side ….only those who have been indoctrinated and conform to the will of the elite will be the POTUS
I really like this thread .. it feels good to encounter people who realize this planet is a FUCKING PRISON for the true freedom lovers
and I agree with suicide being a way of saying: I REFUSE to play this game !
I’ve tried to figure out (via thinking, reading books, observation etc) a way to not be involved in this madness but as someone said the rabbit hole runs wayyy deep
I truly believe that in the years to come, many people will wish they had killed themselves instead of clinging to life for whatever reason (build character, learn “valuable” lessons etc)
also, I’m SICK & TIRED of being in the same environment as those idiots referred to as “normal people” .. as if being functional in a dysfunctional environment was some badge of honor