i cant anymore theres no where to go and nothing to do. Ive messed up so much theres no reason to stay alive. I cant redo my past and take things away they will always be here to stay. Â I m hurting so badly i lost my lover over doing dumb impulsive immature things and yes i may be different but i lost something important to me thats all i care about is losing my special someone but ill never get them back nor do i deserve too. i wish i could redo my life from 5th grade up. Theres no way i will ever be able to so i have to deal with these thoughts and feelings from my past forever, i just want to know what i should do? how to help and fix this? i just want them back…
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It might not seem easy to do, but my suggestion is that you focus on building your life up from here on out. Limit the dumb impulsive actions and don’t look to the past for comfort alone..look to it for advise on how to live your life in the future as well.
Don’t treat yourself like its over just yet. The next hurtle stands just around the corner.
Life (even if no one agrees) is about “staying on your toes” mentally and physically..as well as spiritually! (If you want to survive)
A new life awaits!