I think an important question to ask yourself is, if everything in your life was normal and “going well”, would I still be depressed? When I mean going well, I mean to an outsider your life would seem normal and to the people who are in your family you’d appear normal. It’s something to think about because if you say no to that question, I think it is more about trying to get every ounce of your strength to change your life around. whether your answer is yes, no, or even in between, life will always be a struggle and everyone will have different struggles. you just have to decide whether the struggle is worth going through or not.
I’ve seen this video before it’s awesome. That guy is so raw and real.
I agree, I don’t think anyone could fake something like that. The problem is with a physical injury people can visually see something is wrong but with mental health we are more likely to dismiss the other person.
Yeah that’s so true. So often people are given the realest sympathy for having cancer and heart attack (of course they should get sympathy for that) but if you tell someone you’re bipolar or suicidal they’ll be like “Oh..”. It’s just not the same.
Even if everything in my life was fine….I’d still want to die….(most) people don’t realize what is going on in the world today….they don’t recognize all the sinister political agendas and actions that are occurring……like with the recent shootings… I can’t verify if they are staged or not but you see they are using them to push the issue of gun control….once the guns are gone….its open season on Americans….. not only that…laws are becoming extremely ridiculous and more are being created every year….40,000 new laws were passed in 2012….40,000…. now you ask yourself what has been so bad that it required 40,000 new laws to prevent it?…… Things are getting worse for the economy and the U.S is deliberately trying to start a war for its own gain… The dollar is well on the inevitable course to hyper inflation…. Detroit going bankrupt is only a crack in the dam….other cities will follow…. its just so much in the world I hate that’s beyond my own personal conflicts and it makes me not want to be here….and I hate it
there is also a lot of beauty in the world, despite being disillusioned i still have a lot of hope. sometimes that is all we have.
It has become dull with all the ugliness men have created….. I no longer have hope…. I gave it up a long time ago….if something is going to happen it’s going to happen with or without us hoping for it
Yes, I’d still be depressed, because by now, my brain has “learned” depression quite well. Fucking neuronal connections need to be smashed and re-arranged somehow.
Yeah, i don’t think i’m being depressed for other reason than being depressed. It’s a fucked up parasite, and the poignant thing is that it’s literally in between the psychological and the psychiatric aspect: it’s both thought and physical.
I’m no judge of other depressions (that’s an asshole’s job) but i think it’s presumptuous to blame just the reality, for your depression. Couldn’t be something of your way of thinking there, too? Not saying that would be easier or something – god, no, if anything, it would be just worst. But couldn’t?
There are a lot of voids in my life but i think i have a mental problem, too. It’s about humility to accept that.
I would still be depressed on the inside. I’ve always naturally been that way because I don’t exactly know what ‘normal’, ‘happy’, and, ‘okay’ are. My depression has become my blanket and I am comfortable in it. It’s just how I live. I’m not necessarily unhappy with it…just…content but sad. Sure We’ll go with that. Yeah. I mean, I guess I could be happy if I really wanted to be, but I think I’d mostly just be faking it for the sake of other people…
If I were healthy and living in a GOOD world I would be very happy. but I am disabled and born into an evil and bloody world so that makes me want to die.