My life has been on a spiral ever since I got adopted 2 years back into my real mom’s family… I have not seen my real mom since I was 12 years old… I am 14 almost 15 very soon, my step family has been very hard on me, they make me feel so unwanted and they make me just feel like I mean nothing to anyone.. Then school has not been any easier either, I have so many friends that care and love me for who I am and I am very known in my school but dealing with the people that hate me is so hard it hurts cause they will call me ugly or look at me rudely and stuff like that and they don’t even know what I am going through they don’t know how painful it is to see and hear them talking about me. I have tried to commit suicide one by hanging myself but my stepmother found me and told me to stop trying to get “attention” brought to yourself no one would care if you died and that just broke me inside and out and I just don’t want to be here no more cause I know by killing myself I would be in a better place. My parent’s hit me and put out there cigarettes out on me I just am in an awful place.. I wanna be somewhere else.
1 comment
From what you wrote here, you need to go to the police. They are physically abusing you, and that alone is wrong and cruel. Go to the police and/or someone else, a teacher you like, but an adult, not your friends, and I say that because they likely wouldnt know how to really help you, even though I am sure they would.