Im really down at the moment.i switch from being depressed to irritable and angry back and fourth my husband is sick of my bipolar and goes off at me if i cry.i just lost a really close friend and im grieving im so sad i have nothing to say i dont have the energy to do anything and i just want to be sick of being depressed ive had 6 major deppressions in the last year im just worn out im sick of taking pills im sick of myself i wish i was single so i could just hide from the world i wish everyone would fuck off
I understand how you feel. It seems as tho those closest to us just cant comprehend that when we are down it is so draining. To them its all about a quick fix. And its never that easy. Its just going to keep cycling for us especially without people who support us as we are. People suck
If it makes you feel any better……
There is worse out there….
Try having a wife who says to you…. “too bad, so sad”.
Hang in there.
Perhaps you need to leave this guy and find a real husband.
What you are suffering is a form of abuse from him, and you are not required to remain with him.