So I did my GCSE mock exams and just got my results back… I got D’s in everything but English where I got an A… My mum, she told me that I tried my best and that’s all that matters, and that’s she’s proud I got an A, but my dad wasn’t so easy to please… He just kept telling me I should have straight A’s in all my subjects and that if I don’t get them he’ll disown me, and then slapped me.. Me being me I didnt know what to do, at first it was just crying but then I started cutting… I relapsed, I had been free of it for 8 months, now I have scars back to remind me if what I’ve done… I feel like a failure to the family… I don’t want to be here
I’m sorry you parents differ on perspective about your schooling. I agree with your mom as long as you did your best effort then that’s all what should matter. Don’t stress to much about grades because when your done with school Noone will care if you have straight A’s, as long as you graduate and received your degrees/diplomas.
I am sorry he slapped you. There was no reason for him to do that to you and you deserve better. As for his threat of disowning you, I do find it absurd for a parent to even disown a child they raised over something for simple as grades. It seems he may have an underlying problem or deep insecurity problem of his own. Sorry to pass judgment and offend, I don’t mean anything negative, forgive me.
But as for the cutting I am deeply sorry you were pushed into a position where there were no better option for you to cope with your emotions. If you need help or an outlet of some sort help, there are people here, Including me who are willing to help and listen.
But please don’t feel down about yourself. Some people act irrational and do things out of spite when their angry. So dont feel your any less of a person because you were mistreated. You are much more.
I hope I helped, take care.
Thank you, I think it is also to do with the fact that I was the first born and in my family if you’re the first born you have to do good so the rest follow in that direction… Thank you again
I understand. It can be a burden at times.
Just do your best and be there for your younger siblings when they need help and you will be a wonderful example for them to lead by.
But do what makes you happy. Dont be afraid to fall, thats life, just make sure you get back up again and keep striving.
Your not a failure.
Keep your head high and you will go far.
Yes, trust us. The actual grades you receive will never be remembered later in life. It is the experiences along the way. Unfortunately, your dad’s actions based out of his own short comings week be one of these experience. Use this experience to forge what you don’t want to turn into as you get older. I am not condoning the actions of your father, I find that disgusting, but I know we all carry out own faults. So don’t let it destroy you.