Ive been trying to stop thinking of her, but everything reminds me of her. I love her too much. On the upside, she doesn’t entirely want to avoid me, she worked out some arrangements so we can communicate even if I don’t have a phone or anything of the sort.
I hate myself for this. Why can’t I just accept the fact that she’ll probably never love me? It’s pointless to continue.
“On the upside, she doesn’t entirely want to avoid me, she worked out some arrangements so we can communicate even if I don’t have a phone or anything of the sort.”
That seems like a positive circumstance. Not only is she not avoiding you, but she’s actually making communication happen. It’s hard to predict the future… but, for the moment, it seems like she’s making some effort to keep in contact. You can’t go wrong with contact.
Pathetic Helpless Tragic Romantic definitely describes me completely.
Be grateful for that communication. Hold on to it and let it give you hope, even if it’s the tiniest bit.
I would give anything for some communication but I have nothing, and I have no hope. I love him more than anything and he always told me he loved me, and acted like it, but then he left me. I don’t think he’ll come back this time.
The girl you’re talking about, the fact that she is giving you that communication is a reason to have hope. She may not love you now, or in the near future, but someday it could happen. Hold out hope for that.