People tell you to not kill yourself and they give you every fucking reason to do it. How’s about it’s my life and I will deal however I feel like I can to get over the pain. Someone hurts you and then tells you how to deal? That’s just bullshit. I believe if you don’t want to go through pain, you shouldn’t cause it in the first place. You can’t call yourself a good person and then go around using people. I never thought a piece of ass was so damn worth hurting someone over. Or money for that matter. I always thought that as long as you have loved ones, you should be fine. There are no such thing as close friends of love anymore. This world is too damn cruel. It’s not worth it and I don’t give a damn what you people say. This world is no place for kind people and people who try to love. This world eats these people alive. It’s like an energy that negativity feeds off on. No energy equals no negativity. Let this world sort itself out. It could do it without me and others that don’t want to be here. Death comes for all, and we don’t get to choose it? Well if I’m in charge of my life, I should be in charge of how and why I die. This world is slowly killing me anyways.
@peachturnover I agree I feel the same way. The world is cruel everything about life is cruel, you can love someone with all your heart and they will shatter it without so much as a blink. You can be kind be forgiving and in this life you still end up with the shit end of the stick. It sucks to know this I wish that I didnt :(.
Your post was very well said,,,, and quite true.
Peachturnover, That is the road to love. Many times people hurt you. There is good out there. I have caused my share of pain in the world. I am learning from my past. I will not be in the future what I was in the past