How do you tell the ones you love that you are suicidal? That every day you need to make a conscious decision? You have a stash of painkillers ready for the moment? That going to the mental ward again doesn’t solve the chronic physical pain? How do you reach out after so many failed “cures? “
Asking for my benefit, not your own: Why do you feel a need to tell them at all? My point being something along these lines: People can provide you information, but only YOU can internalize it. Likewise, only YOU can truly “get” your reasons for whatever choice you make regarding suicide. What’s the point, then, of seeking their understanding in this decision? I, personally, hated this realization.
– DW-
Personally, if you feel like you need help for being suicidal then the best way to tell them is to just come out and say it, if they really love you then they will understand, if not then they will try to instiutionalize you, kind of a double edged sword i guess… wither way just talk to the person you trust the most and bring out your feelings about it lightly, don’t feel like you can’t talk about it. it should be an informed dicision to take your own life. not a blind choice
If you’ve already had mental ward visits, you’re not going to blind side them. Now you have to figure out who to tell.
I would go with: “gradually and carefully, if at all…”
Maybe break it into chunks, and start with relating your day to day experience, but lead into how and why it’s frustrating or stressful, etc.
I would advise against the ultra-blunt approach, where you just spontaneously blurt out “hey guys, i think i should kill myself today! Isn’t that awesome!!?” Or, who knows, they might be so torn between laughing and crying that they would actually listen.
I tend to think it’d be better to ease them into it, especially if they know you’ve “been there” before, and might carry a sort of constant subconscious fear of having to deal with… everything surrounding that, again.
I think the most important part here, though, aside from timing and “tact,” is that you must convey to them the reality of the treatments not really addressing the actual cause of the problems, and that you must sufficiently articulate what problems actually need addressing, before any effective treatment can be discerned.
(i said i’d comment here, check your dashboard, the address should be visible)