well it was either i was hacked or he found my pasward or username. i came to this sight for help and support. travis is my ex boyfriend. i dont know why he would do this. im sorry ok. i just want him out of my life. but he ruined me ion thisd sight. no everybody hates me
Hi there, creeper tales. I don’t hate you and I have zero clue what happened because I’m oblivious to such gossippy boggles. But it’s cool that you’re not Travis – I have no clue who that is, but I suspect it’s a male human being of some sort. 😮
I don’t hate you. I found the whole dilemma very amusing. People were frustrated with the whole thing, but I don’t think anyone hates you. I just don’t think you have any credibility (for Internet sake, that’s not a loss) and not many people know what to believe when creeper tales is talking.
If you really like coming here and you miss being under the radar, maybe you should make a new account and abandon this one.
Or just keep posting consistently under the same nickname until everyone forgets about whatever that drama was – people have very short-term memory these days. I give it a week.
@lorax, it was the most dramatic set of events this site has ever seen. So much information was thrown out about someone being on fire, then they were blind and the “gf” was coming out of the hospital……people engaged in this for several posts…….then it turns out it was some bloke named Travis who hacked her account.
Anyway, a group of members investigated the whole mess and concluded that it was all a hoax with one person involved. The writing style with bad spelling/grammer,….coupled with the same IP address led them to this discovery.
As it stands, no one knows who they are talking to….male? female? Someone in need of help? or another troll was found out by the guardians of the site.
@creeper tales, your bf is now you ex. You have no reason to talk about him anymore. And the fire, the injured hands, the stay at the hospital was all made up. Seems to me like you’d be starting fresh.
I’m not really sure who to side with. The evidence was pretty compelling and you only had one person out of the herd standing up for you. Maybe you’re like a modern day Jesus and the Jews want to see your gifts.
Impersonations and unauthorized access happens quite frequently, all around the world. But probably not any more often than attention-motivated hoaxes.
I have no idea which way to lean on this one. I haven’t decided, because i don’t feel i have enough information to make a correct choice, so i’m staying skeptically neutral, for now.
@clevername: that is true, though all of this hoopla is making me doubt that two computers are sharing an account. Unless the site logs the MAC address of the machines – but more than likely, if it did, you’d just have the MAC address of the router…it’s a big mess. Bottom line, it’s possible but ridiculously, impossibly improbable.
If Creeper Tales wants to continue posting, I’d recommend a different account. The drama was, indeed, quite a spectacle.
Something I’m wondering: where was Creeper Tales all last week? After the whole investigation.
@duderino, as the story goes, Jesus was king of the Jews and was innocent of everything. All he had left to give was his life and everyone wanted it. So his gift was dying for the world’s sins. The Jews voted to have him killed and the world has been great ever since. That’s why its the greatest story ever told.
I thought it was the greatest story ever told because it resulted in a fuckton of Christmas presents for all the good boys and girls. And Santa gave birth to Rudolf in a manger, and he had a very shiny nose and all that jazz.
@duderino: I keep forgetting that you’re Jewish. O.O I really need to brush up on my knowledge of Jewish theology – it’s been several years since I’ve even looked into that topic, but I used to be fascinated by it. Probably because it was so different from how I had been raised to understand the Bible and the stories in it. It’s like seeing something from a different angle that you never knew existed before.
I tend to prefer the Jewish hermeneutic – I mean, aside from the weird numerology stuff. Jewish interpretation and theology seemed more authentic to me for some reason, from what I recall.
opposed perspectives will often misrepresent the perspectives they oppose.
As an atheist, i have to be careful not to do so. It’s often tempting to just paint all theists as “crazy and/or incompetent,” but that’s not always the case, and it can and usually is far more complex than that. But i also think it’s better to be as truthful and accurate as possible, when representing the opposition, and when configuring a counter for said opposition. Fighting fallacy with more fallacy doesn’t work. The only right way to fight fallacy, is with truth, honesty and correctness. In order to most effectively combat any enemy, you must combat what that enemy actually is, rather than fighting with what they are not, and creating an enemy who doesn’t even exist, upon which to waste your energy.
Know thyself. Know your enemy. Fighting illusions is not going to vanquish the source manifesting them. Bypass the illusions; walk right through them, to the source, and apply the corrections there. When you vanquish “the summoner,” his illusions will cease. If you spend all your resources fighting summoned “adds,” you’ll have nothing left with which to conquer the source producing them.
And i find it hilarious how much overlap there is, how many parallels there are, between gaming concepts and real life. Then again… games are made by people who exist in real life… so it’s actually far less absurd than it may initially seem.
Kind of like that quote from Ender’s Game: “In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.” I couldn’t stand that movie because of all the plot tom-foolery – it kept smacking me in the face like a rotting tunafish – but i liked that quote.
due to the channel through which i was introduced to Ender’s Game, i fucking hate how universally applicable its most important points are.
“The power to kill, is the only power that matters.”
And the stuff about honor being foolish and a luxury.
And how, essentially, you have to cheat to win, because the game is built with intentionally unfair rules, which must be bypassed in order to achieve success. Ender figures it out, and doesn’t want to play anymore, because it’s bullshit. But then he saves the world and achieves deity status…
The moral of the story, at the end, is that those values are assinine and self-imposed, in essense – delusional, if you will. Ender wound up trying to save a queen just after being tricked into committing genocide on a planet-wide scale. He essentially threw the whole system of arbitrary values back in everyone’s faces and trekked off to find his own path, doing what he felt was right and not what he was told was right.
omg, the consensus was that no one hacked your account and it was you playing games. Mysterious Stranger did some digging and exploited your actions.
So you’re still hanging on to the “I was hacked” story?
No one knows what your motives are or why you’re doing this
well it was either i was hacked or he found my pasward or username. i came to this sight for help and support. travis is my ex boyfriend. i dont know why he would do this. im sorry ok. i just want him out of my life. but he ruined me ion thisd sight. no everybody hates me
Hi there, creeper tales. I don’t hate you and I have zero clue what happened because I’m oblivious to such gossippy boggles. But it’s cool that you’re not Travis – I have no clue who that is, but I suspect it’s a male human being of some sort. 😮
Welcome back! 🙂
I don’t hate you. I found the whole dilemma very amusing. People were frustrated with the whole thing, but I don’t think anyone hates you. I just don’t think you have any credibility (for Internet sake, that’s not a loss) and not many people know what to believe when creeper tales is talking.
If you really like coming here and you miss being under the radar, maybe you should make a new account and abandon this one.
****don’t tell anyone who you are****—-
Or just keep posting consistently under the same nickname until everyone forgets about whatever that drama was – people have very short-term memory these days. I give it a week.
but ifi bring up my boyfriend or repeat an event in my past posts then they”ll know
@lorax, it was the most dramatic set of events this site has ever seen. So much information was thrown out about someone being on fire, then they were blind and the “gf” was coming out of the hospital……people engaged in this for several posts…….then it turns out it was some bloke named Travis who hacked her account.
Anyway, a group of members investigated the whole mess and concluded that it was all a hoax with one person involved. The writing style with bad spelling/grammer,….coupled with the same IP address led them to this discovery.
As it stands, no one knows who they are talking to….male? female? Someone in need of help? or another troll was found out by the guardians of the site.
@creeper tales, your bf is now you ex. You have no reason to talk about him anymore. And the fire, the injured hands, the stay at the hospital was all made up. Seems to me like you’d be starting fresh.
I’m not really sure who to side with. The evidence was pretty compelling and you only had one person out of the herd standing up for you. Maybe you’re like a modern day Jesus and the Jews want to see your gifts.
two different machines using the same ISP account, from behind a router, could result in showing the same IP in the dashboard… just sayin’.
If I had to guess, I would say it’s a guy. I don’t know if his name is Travis. But I just can’t think I’ve interacted with a chick this whole time.
This sort of thing doesn’t happen in America.
“This sort of thing doesn’t happen in America.”
Have you ever seen “Catfish?”
Impersonations and unauthorized access happens quite frequently, all around the world. But probably not any more often than attention-motivated hoaxes.
I have no idea which way to lean on this one. I haven’t decided, because i don’t feel i have enough information to make a correct choice, so i’m staying skeptically neutral, for now.
@clevername: that is true, though all of this hoopla is making me doubt that two computers are sharing an account. Unless the site logs the MAC address of the machines – but more than likely, if it did, you’d just have the MAC address of the router…it’s a big mess. Bottom line, it’s possible but ridiculously, impossibly improbable.
If Creeper Tales wants to continue posting, I’d recommend a different account. The drama was, indeed, quite a spectacle.
Something I’m wondering: where was Creeper Tales all last week? After the whole investigation.
>and the Jews want to see your gifts
what’s that supposed to mean ?
lol @ “this sort of thing doesn’t happen in America.”
Thank goodness I’m not one for proof-of-concept examples.
@duderino, as the story goes, Jesus was king of the Jews and was innocent of everything. All he had left to give was his life and everyone wanted it. So his gift was dying for the world’s sins. The Jews voted to have him killed and the world has been great ever since. That’s why its the greatest story ever told.
I thought it was the greatest story ever told because it resulted in a fuckton of Christmas presents for all the good boys and girls. And Santa gave birth to Rudolf in a manger, and he had a very shiny nose and all that jazz.
Well Christmas is just another reason we live in a wonderful world and each day is such a gift.
> as the story goes, Jesus was king of the Jews
that’s not the story that we jews tell
@duderino: I keep forgetting that you’re Jewish. O.O I really need to brush up on my knowledge of Jewish theology – it’s been several years since I’ve even looked into that topic, but I used to be fascinated by it. Probably because it was so different from how I had been raised to understand the Bible and the stories in it. It’s like seeing something from a different angle that you never knew existed before.
no problem mon…but you’re right in saying that it is seeing things from a completely different angle than xtianity
the duderino abides
I tend to prefer the Jewish hermeneutic – I mean, aside from the weird numerology stuff. Jewish interpretation and theology seemed more authentic to me for some reason, from what I recall.
opposed perspectives will often misrepresent the perspectives they oppose.
As an atheist, i have to be careful not to do so. It’s often tempting to just paint all theists as “crazy and/or incompetent,” but that’s not always the case, and it can and usually is far more complex than that. But i also think it’s better to be as truthful and accurate as possible, when representing the opposition, and when configuring a counter for said opposition. Fighting fallacy with more fallacy doesn’t work. The only right way to fight fallacy, is with truth, honesty and correctness. In order to most effectively combat any enemy, you must combat what that enemy actually is, rather than fighting with what they are not, and creating an enemy who doesn’t even exist, upon which to waste your energy.
Know thyself. Know your enemy. Fighting illusions is not going to vanquish the source manifesting them. Bypass the illusions; walk right through them, to the source, and apply the corrections there. When you vanquish “the summoner,” his illusions will cease. If you spend all your resources fighting summoned “adds,” you’ll have nothing left with which to conquer the source producing them.
And i find it hilarious how much overlap there is, how many parallels there are, between gaming concepts and real life. Then again… games are made by people who exist in real life… so it’s actually far less absurd than it may initially seem.
Kind of like that quote from Ender’s Game: “In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.” I couldn’t stand that movie because of all the plot tom-foolery – it kept smacking me in the face like a rotting tunafish – but i liked that quote.
due to the channel through which i was introduced to Ender’s Game, i fucking hate how universally applicable its most important points are.
“The power to kill, is the only power that matters.”
And the stuff about honor being foolish and a luxury.
And how, essentially, you have to cheat to win, because the game is built with intentionally unfair rules, which must be bypassed in order to achieve success. Ender figures it out, and doesn’t want to play anymore, because it’s bullshit. But then he saves the world and achieves deity status…
The moral of the story, at the end, is that those values are assinine and self-imposed, in essense – delusional, if you will. Ender wound up trying to save a queen just after being tricked into committing genocide on a planet-wide scale. He essentially threw the whole system of arbitrary values back in everyone’s faces and trekked off to find his own path, doing what he felt was right and not what he was told was right.
Asinine * d’oiee
…which is pretty much what i’ve been doing, minus the global genocide part.
glad to hear you’ve given up on global genocide…had me worried there for a minute 🙂