I made a promise to never disappear and bring sadness. So, before I can disappear I have to ask people close to me if I can, if I’m still needed. If only one says yes to if I can disappear, then I will. 4 of 5 said I can’t. One will not answer me, thanks to that asshole who ruins my life. So, I must stay. Until I am no longer needed. We will see on Monday.
1 comment
You know those who you are polling. Are they really emotionally present enough to be aware of their needs? Often people take for granted what is in their life until it is gone. They may realize this and be more thankful for a while, but they’ll probably return to their former perceptions at some point.
This asshole sounds extremely powerful. How did they get that way? What authority do they have over you?
I wouldn’t assume your non-responder is trying to protect you from a negative answer, their mind may be reeling from your question, and wondering about your fragility.
I think if we are honest with ourselves, we can all be insensitive assholes, but hopefully we’re present enough to own our outbursts. And guess what, we all take turns at being jerks. Some people’s jerk season can be quite long , but there is always the hope of becoming aware.