Hello I am a 19 year old girl and feel so terribly scared. I am currently in a clinic. I am no longer with my family because they abused me. I just wanna die. I feel so terribly alone. Every second, every minute, all I ever see is fear and feel pain. The people here in the clinic are nice but I feel like they don’t understand me. Besides they don’t seem to know how to deal with me. I have panick attacks all the time and my body jerks whilst I remember horrible memories in my head which I just can’t turn off. My body shakes all over and I constantly feel pain from these horrible memories. When I was 2 or 3 years old my mums boyfriend raped me and I don’t know why but I seem to remember many details that just won’t go away. He was a nice person but he had anger management problems and seemed to switch personalities. He became very hateful towards me. He called me ugly and said I was unworthy and that he was gonna get me. He said that he was gonna kill me because I was an ugly horrible child. He said he hated me and that I wouldn’t be able to run. He said to me that my mom wasn’t gonna save me and there was no way out. He said: Don’t even try to run because your mum doesn’t give a shit about you. I am gonna fuck you because you deserve it. He said he would make me see pain and he was punishing me because he had had a bad life and it was my fault. I thought it was my fault. I almost died. He stuck his tongue into me and almost choked me. He touched me all over as if I were there to serve him. He fucked me and I felt so much pain and wanted him to stop but he just never stopped. Until my heart stopped beating and then he became nice again and somehow I came back into life and he said he was sorry and that it would be our secret. I never told anyone for a long time, but now I simply cannot hide it anymore. It is too painful to keep everything to oneself and not have a voice to to speak. I am so scared, I truly feel like I deserve pain and that I don’t deserve any joy. This boyfriend of my mum left her when I was 3- thank God! But my whole life has been so hard for me. I always tried to stay positiv and look at the good things in life. That’s how IÂ survived up until now. But it hurts me so much because my parents hurt me so badly and I don’t understand why. All I ever did for 18 years was try to love them and be there for them. But they never seemed to be satisfied. And this is why I hate myself. My whole life I felt like I didn’t even exist. My parents were depressed angry upset and also had panick attacks. When I was little I tried to take care of them. For hours I would try to search for a solution in my head so they could feel better. But nothing seemed to work. I felt so alone. And I was so scared of my mums boyfriend. I don’t know how many times he raped me. I can’t remember that. But I remember desperately wanting a friend whom I could run to and hug and cry and tell them what happened. I was always longing for protection as a child. I became very very anxious and would sometimes touch my mom in hope of getting a hug but instead she would start shouting and saying I was bad and clingy and she would look at me as if I was some kind of pervert.. She would become very afraid of me and angry at me. She would shout what is wrong with me and why can’t I be a normal child. Why was I so afraid? Why couldn’t I just leave her alone That’s what she was angry about and she would hit me. Then when I was by myself she would suddenly change her mind and say to me that she needed my help and she would cling onto me and say please protect me. I always felt so terribly guilty that I couldn’t be a better child. Then the kids in school bullied me and beat me and made me do things I didn’t want to do. Then my mom would get mad and not understand why I couldn’t defend myself better. Then my Dad who had left us would call and want my help. Anyway whatever, the point is, I was scared my whole life and I feel so much pain, shame and guilt inside. I feel worthless. I feel out of control. I am sick of having panick attacks all day and feeling like my heart will stop beating any moment. I just don’t want this life anymore. But I am still not giving up because I believe there is a meaning to life. But I am struggeling really hard.
You’ve obviously been through a terrible ordeal. It is not surprising that they have made you feel worthless with all the suffering they have subjected you to.
But by being honest to everyone, by being you, you will gradually heal. It takes patience, but just keep on being open, being you. You will meet other people, people who will understand you and love you.
Life is a long journey, but if you treat others right, you should pick up allies along the way, and life experience. You will grow wiser and stronger and happier.
Take care 🙂
If I were you I would sue your mom and her boyfriend for doing what they did to you and allowing that to happen to you at such a young age. talk to a lawyer. that is neglect and abuse and horrible parenting that has led you to a life of pain and contemplating suicide. fight back. now that your older look into if you can sue or now. also look into things like a home for abused women. they do exist and they might be able to take you in and help you recover. I don’t know where you live but look into these things. find somebody to help you.
I am so so so sorry. People like your parents and that son-of-a-***** who raped you (who should be horribly tortured) more than likely grew up feeling the same way you did. That is what they were taught. None of it is your fault sweetheart. They were just messed up and didn’t have any idea what they were doing. Even if they did they wouldn’t know how to change it. No one deserves to go through the torment you have experienced. You do not deserve pain, that scared little girl inside of you deserves love.
This is what I hate about the world, how can people do these things, why is the world so sick? My God, what is wrong with people?
It’s no wonder you’re scared. When I feel scared I lay in bed and imagine a beautiful scenery that is only for me, I can stay there as long as I want and no one can hurt me there. It is the only real peace I have found in myself.
I hear that you want to die, why wouldn’t you? But, it is not you who deserves to die. You deserved parents who loved you and treated you with kindness. I wish I could give you a big hug.
It might be helpful for you to talk to someone and let them know what happened. There may still be time for retribution against that prick (I f’n hate pedophiles!) and maybe gain some closure.