Its been over 3 months since the last time I saw the person I am in love with. I have not tried to talk to him or anything. There are days I would give anything to hold him one more time. But I don’t contact him because I know he wont talk to me, things ended pretty bad between us. I just wish there was a way to tell him how much I miss him without talking to him
Hey doll,
I know this feeling. I have a friend, for the sake of the post, let’s call her Allison.
She was and kind of still is, this person you describe in your own post. It’s a sucky feeling, that if you wish to talk about, feel free to.
email me at:
Missing someone is one of the hardest things ever.
In my life, it really was my fault that things ended pretty badly between me and that someone I loved, so by the time I realized how valuable she was to me, it was too late. I just had to grit my teeth and let go.
I dont know what are the reasons of the bad breakup, but if you really want to reach out without talking or seeing that person you could always write him a letter, or the tech-equivalent (email). If faced with that situation, most people would read it even if it’s just out of curiosity.
And well, i hope you can have the strength needed to overcome this, having a breakup and missing that person, even when you try your best to avoid contact is not an easy task. Been there (still am), and there’s not much you can do besides trying to be strong.