I’m so overstrung, that even doing a small thing is too much. Even going out of bed, eating and dress myself is already too much on a day. If i do a little bit more, such as playing a game with my mom, walking a little while or having a therapy session, I’m completely broken after it. And the following three days I can’t do anything, because I’m so tired overstrung by that one activity I did. Really makes me sick, that I just can’t do a single activity. How will I ever get better then?
I don’t know. Ya, when you’re tired and depressed it’s hard to get it going to do anything. I guess it takes determination and doing one little step at a time. Then keep at it?
Taking babysteps is the way to go. I find it difficult to go out or do many things too, but i force myself to at least do a couple of things each day, even if it drains me out. Maybe you could search for somethings to do that don’t drain you that much or that you might enjoy doing and take it from there. The thing is not giving up and stop doing things (even if you do only little things), because the more you do so, the more difficult it becomes getting out of that state.
Hi randall! Oh yeah, it’s really tough to do something when you’re depressed and tired. I’m pretty hesitantly, so not really determinated…But I do get help with it, 2 times a week a person is coming at my house for 1,5 hour to do activities and help me to do something. So that’s also a step in the good direction, right?
I know that doing things is the solution, and that I have to take babysteps, but I’m so done with it all, that I don’t have any motivation. And it dismotivates (is that a correct word??) Me also that when it gets ‘better’ I only feel more depressed. I guess that’s because I’m so used to this feeling, and I can’t handle a change in that feeling or situation.
I can relate to that. Funny that you mention getting more depressed when it gets better, i thought i was going crazy when that happened a couple of times on the last month. I guess the change from pain/lack-of-motives to something else is overwhelming when you are used to it. Hey, at least it gets better, even if it leads to more depression… maybe the day will come when it will just get better (hopefully).
You’re not the only one, so you’re not crazy 😉 (or we both are crazy…nahh) Hopefully it’ll get better with you too soon 🙂 (and remember you’re not crazy!)