Hey kiddo, I don’t know if you still wander around this site (you know who you are), but if you do I wanted to tell you something. Your great grandma died on this day sixteen years ago, I wish she would have had the chance to know you. She would have loved you so much, she never judged people who think like us. She would have told you how wonderful you are and given you a million and one reasons to never give up. I miss her and she isn’t here to say those things to you, but I am. I love you so much, you gave me a reason to keep trying when all seemed lost. YOU saved me. If I could have hand picked anyone in the world to be my son, I would have chosen you. I know that I am not always perfect, but I will never give up on you, I will never minimize the pain that you feel, I will never judge you or tell you your best isn’t good enough. You are perfect in my eyes, I don’t care what the kids at school say, they don’t know any better. Thank you for choosing life all those time you wanted to give up, I know it wasn’t an easy choice. Never give up, we’re in this together. Thank you for being you and thank you for being my son. I love you with all my heart.