What in the -Before I get into this, be warned, I am very vulgar- endless cosmic cluster fuck happened to SP? I mean, seriously? It seems after the visual change everyone just kinda changed into argumentative assholes. Well not everyone, but anyway, it seems as though this place has turned into a war zone. It usually hasn’t been like this (Since I found this site a few months ago), except for a few disagreements here and there. But it almost never got like this. But alas, fighting is in human nature. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention; Like I said before, I found this site months ago and since I’ve been reading / admiring peoples posts / artwork / poems / etc. And today I’ve decided to finally register. Nice to speak with you all despite all the anger currently consuming SP. I understand you all are normally quite decent people, if that at all means anything to you. So it will certainly be a please conversating with you guys…
I hope you plan to put up controversial posts. We need… interesting… people around here to keep us amused. 🙂
Hahahaha, if anything comes to mind I might, but that isn’t usually my forte.
Mate, get out of here while you still can. Seriously, you don’t want to end up with the SP mentality.
On the off chance that you do stay – welcome aboard. I’m out of swag bags to hand out at the moment. I’m thinking of putting some hard liquor in each new bag I hand out now…for times when you need to escape the controversy.
‘av a good one.
Shephard, what’s the “SP mentality”?
We may not want to open up that can of beans… It’s best not to know.
You have a good one too Shep’. I think I’ll stay, I could use some of that liquor right now, but, whatever. Though escaping controversy at least in the ‘real world’ is quite difficult so I may aswell just drink the meaningless controversy soup here. I’m not sure that even makes sense, but what the hell.
Anyone who’d care to share, I’d really like to know what the mentality of SP is that would prompt a long-time participant to encourage a newcomer to get out while he or she can. I’d consider it a significant favor.
Just look up cute pictures of kittens doing meaningless things to help cheer you up, like I have to sometimes. There’s too much darkness on this site, both figuratively and literally.
^ What SuiP said. Congratulations, you have been abbreviated. Who doesn’t enjoy a warm cuppa soup on a cold evening? 🙂
…that can of beans shall remain sealed until such time where you have garnered further knowledge on the inner workings of this “project”.
SuiP? Lol I’m content with SuiP. Just gotta remember that.
“…until such time where you have garnered further knowledge on the inner workings of this ‘project’ ” huh? Um, OK.
Oh Shephard, you never cease to make me chuckle with all your little witty remarks haha.
I know right? You can’t help but love this guy!
SuiPerb! (Read in a Mortal Kombat announcer’s voice for maximum effect.)
In hindsight, I should’ve come up with a better name. Apologies if you take offence to it.
I take absolutely no offense to that. In fact, I would even… Wait, what would I do again? Eh, doesn’t matter, all that matters is that I like it!
You’re reading too much into the musings of an unhinged, repressive psychopath. Or perhaps I am being too sparse with the intel I am providing you. You’ll figure it out, EK2020. It took me a couple of years to understand this further, but in time you will come to understand what this project is really about.
…what they did not want you to realise.
the people who ***** about other people arguing on a public controversial Internet forum amuse me so