Do you ever get the urge to spontaneously start dancing because the joy you feel is so overwhelming? There’s a song playing in your head, you’re beautiful, everyone loves you, and your future is sure to be awesome?
Does that ever happen to you?
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how subliminal..
No, I can’t say that I’ve been known to spontaneously start dancing due to unbridled joy.
The girl in the picture does have some nice choppers. (Teeth).
No, I am never that happy.
next to her with a guitar or what? wOo
that thigh gap, dang
Stendarr; Is the thigh gap good or bad? (I honestly don’t know. I can’t take my eyes off of her orthodontic beauty).
gotta be ‘shopped; what a conveniently blurry background, devoid of other persons or objects… can’t even see the horizon line in the distance… (plus, look at the edges of her arms and hands… and i can’t quite tell if the hair outline is faded/blended, because blurry bright background…)
Or it could be some image format compression degradation… but i’m voting ‘shopped.
I googled Victoria’s Secret and found this. They have very, very high standards. I suspect it’s not a photo-shopped image.
Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I’m paid to look beautiful.
Q: Oh. Do you ever start dancing for no reason?
A: All the time. Look at me. 🙂
one example: “37 seconds to stunning”
She’s cute. She looks familiar but I can’t think of her name. (I used to pay a lot of attention to fashion photoshoots.)
I’ve been known to start dancing at any time, anywhere (in public and whatnot), but that’s just ’cause I’m weird.
I wish I were a fashion photographer. What a fun job that would be. Beautiful scenery + beautiful people = win.
obviously it’s bad, what if she’s on the toilet and drops her phone on her lap? she’s screwed, poor gal, sending prayers and Facebook likes for everyone with thigh gaps 🙁
Huh. Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t women designed to produce babies? I would think that thigh gaps are beneficial from an evolutionary standpoint.
um no, women were designed to kill all men and hang their bodies from feminist flags, duh
Thank you for clearing that up. So that’s how the species continues. 🙂
why do you think there are more women in the world and why women live longer than men typically? we’re gathering our numbers, kitchen mops and vacuums, watch out
Women live longer ’cause they’re always dancing and spending their man’s money.
they’ve actually found a way to produce artificial sperm from bone marrow or something, look it up. Down with men! *pitchforks*
If you get rid of men, who will do the heavy lifting and come up with good ideas? Are you trying to make society collapse?
Wouldn’t the world be uh… even more insufferable if it were only filled with women? No offense. I think an equal balance of both genders is necessary for some semblance of order. Let’s all just be nice. 🙂 I’ll cook up some cake for everyone. Be happy and smile like the multimillion dollar model who’s paid to look pretty!
um no, a world of women would be axe-free and no one would wear ankle socks with ugly basketball shoes, it would be heaven on earth
i’m just kidding by the way, i don’t hate men, i have one as a pet
It’s all good. Men realize that the fairer sex are all batty and we accept you as you are.
You’re undoubtedly grateful for how tolerant we are. You’re welcome.
you have one as a pet now? I had been wondering where WIG disappeared to :O
i could say the same about women, do you know how many guys i see wearing calf-high nike socks with those ugly men-sandals? makes me want to gauge my eyes out but no one says anything to them, you should thank *women*
I like those short socks – I wear ’em all the time. Women can’t take their eyes off of my seductive ankles. Are you saying I’m inadvertently turning women on every time I venture outdoors? Oh my. I might have to rethink my wardrobe. What if I get attacked by a pack of wild women?!?
well, they did figure out how to grow vaginal tissue in a lab, into an appropriate shape, which can be successfully implanted… i bet they can do the same with penises (and probably their necessary companion parts), and i bet they can figure out how to graft lab grown “junk” onto anything that can sustain its blood flow, and support the mechanical stress inherent in its intended use.
Won’t be long now!
but men dont have ovaries lol
wouldn’t fucking a man with a vagina be gay?? :O
Depends on how much lipstick he’s wearing.
i’m bisexual so i’ll fuck anything with a genital as long as it doesn’t resemble peyton manning, i’m game for synthetic cunts and what not
There’s a misconception that lesbians don’t like penis’s. That’s not true. Lesbians like penis’s, they just don’t like having a man attached to it.
ovaries and testicles are analogous… your are protected, mine are exposed! Clearly an evolutionary disadvantage for males.
And… well, i guess it would. But the point of that was more about “i bet they can also grow penises,” which means women won’t need men at all; they could just graft a labcock onto whatever, perhaps even themselves! (you know some would absolutely want this)
If they can create sperm without male DNA, and can grow lab-penises, and graft them onto more desirable hosts… men are doomed! lol 🙂
Huh. Weird, I was just listening to a song with the lyrics “A man with no future.”
If women are going to rule the world… duck and cover. That’s all I have to say.
I like both men and women. I think we should coexist in harmony.
That would be ideal. Would men or women make better rulers? I don’t know…God (in theory) is a male and he doesn’t have the best track record.
the ancient ubiquitous secret that men have yet to learn is that women can actually reproduce asexually through mitosis checkmate
Then your offspring is an exact duplicate of the single parent. You get a world of clones.
That might be the most selfish, self aggrandizing idea I’ve ever heard of. Creating an identical version of yourself.
Clones. That reminds me of the show Orphan Black. Excellent production, I recommend it.
@Phil It’s not a matter of gender. It’s a matter of personality. Some individuals, both male and female, are complete and utter morons – that is, lacking in self awareness and unable to learn from their mistakes. It’s a sad fact that many of our modern leaders are these types of people.
Look at Vladimir Putin. Hawt as they come (yes, he’s over 60 and kept his good looks) but what’s his motivation? Just another moron I suppose.
Nobody is perfect but some people are more intelligent and thus more worthy of being leaders than others, because they actually recognize how to combat their own flaws and are able to think critically, rather than be susceptible pansies who act as headpieces for their advisors, instead of utilizing their own personal strategical abilities.
Hi Perse. Brb
“some” individuals?!? … i think a safe argument could be made for a generous plurality of the species at large 😛
percentage dawg
Tehehe. Extremely valid point, Dawg.
One simple guideline I live by is that women will always be right – without them, there’d be none of us left. I probably pinched that off someone else but bugger it. I’m sure not everyone would agree with me, but that’s all good.
Aw hell, when my leg was in a more cooperative state I’d bust out some moves, usually in celebration of getting the “stand down, you’ve got the rest of the week off” news or during a rugby game (try line victory pole dance FTW) or because I’m random like that.
Ahh yes…those were the days, my friend.
Although i hate myself to the bitter core, at least a world populated by my clones would be a world where everyone has a decent taste in sports teams
Hahaha. If the whole world consisted of Stendarr clones, who would they play against if they were all on the same team?
the clones could probably be separated into classes and hierarchies by the amount of men they captured with pokeballs and made to brutally fight one another, there are only so many men, everyone may be equal but some are more equal than others
I would totally capture WIG, his move “read his own poetry” would be a 1 hit KO
I’ve tried to capture WIG but he always uses the move “spout baseless theist BS” and it makes me bleed from every orifice, it’s rough
WIG is “special”. I’ve read enough testimonials on here to understand that we’re not all clones, and what bothers others doesn’t bother me and vice versa.
Some people find purpose/fulfillment/meaning through relationships with others. They hate being alone. I can’t relate to those people.
We’re all different. Bad poetry aside, he’s got his own cross to bear (pun intended).
I’m really tired of the NE Pats, too. Sorry. Geezus, dynasties are predictably boring. I prefer revolutions.
I went shopping to buy some dish soap at the grocery store and my sister asked to come along. So I got the dish soap, went back to the car, and waited for my sister to do whatever she was doing in the store. Well, fifteen minutes of waiting later, a cop pulled up to the grocery store, got out of his cruiser, and went inside. A few minutes later, he emerged with my sister in handcuffs, put her in the cruiser, and drove off.
Yep, the future looks very bright today. Haha..
Hahaha wow. Was she caught doing coke in the restroom or something?
She was practicing her occupation as a professional kleptomaniac and got caught trying to steal like $40 worth of lipstick. lol
I’m guessing you didn’t spontaneously erupt into dance.
Nah, seriously…that sounds unfortunate. Grocery stores are full of temptation. I hope your sister is ok.
I kinda hope she gets lost in the criminal justice system and they forget to release her. That’d make everyone here’s lives a lot easier, most likely.